Configuring mappings

You can use this management page to view, add, and delete mappers and mapping sets.

To…​ Do this:

View mappings

  • Select one of the Mapper Sets at left.

    Configured Mappings display at right.


Click image to enlarge

Add a mapping

  • Click Add (in the Mappings pane).

    Fields pop up for you to add mapping details.


  • Enter the Mapping Name and, optionally, the Execution Point, Session Type, and Plan ID for the mapping.

  • Click Add (to save and add another mapping) or Add and Close (to save and finish adding mappings).

Delete mappings

  • Click the checkboxes to select mappings you want to delete.

  • Click Delete (in the Mappings pane).

    A prompt displays for you to confirm deleting the selected mappings.

Add a mapper set

  • Select a platform operator from the Mapper Sets list.

  • Click Add (in the Mapper Sets pane).

    A popup prompts you to select a Network Operator.


  • Select the network operator (or none to create a platform-level mapper set).

  • Click Add.

Delete a mapper set

  • Click to select the mapper set you want to delete.

  • Click Delete (in the Mapper Sets pane).

    A prompt displays for you to confirm deleting the selected mapper set.

Publish a mapper set

  • Click to select the set you want to publish.

  • Click Publish (in the Mapper Sets pane).

    The next time Sentinel accesses this mapper set it will pick up any mapping changes you have made.

Important Before any mapping changes can take effect, Sentinel must be notified by publishing the mapping sets. (If Rhino is restarted, Sentinel will also pick up any changes.)
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Sentinel Express Version 2.7.1