A session ownership store is configured in a node’s rhino-config.xml configuration file using the optional session-ownership-store element.

The element content is defined as follows:

<!-- Session ownership store definition -->
<!ELEMENT session-ownership-store (parameter*, persistence-resource-ref?)>
<!-- fully-qualified class name of the session ownership store service provider class -->
<!ATTLIST session-ownership-store service-provider-class-name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- default TTL of session ownership records, measured in seconds -->
<!ATTLIST session-ownership-store default-ttl CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!-- a configuration parameter -->
<!ELEMENT parameter EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST parameter name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST parameter type CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST parameter value CDATA #REQUIRED>

<!-- reference to a persistence resource defined in persistence.xml -->
<!ELEMENT persistence-resource-ref EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST persistence-resource-ref name CDATA #REQUIRED>

At minimum, only the session ownership store service provider class name needs to be specified. This class name is expected to be documented by the session ownership store, as are any parameters that may be configured by the user.

A session ownership store that can utilise Rhino’s persistence framework may also require a <persistence-resource-ref>. This element refers to a persistence resource defined in the separate persistence.xml configuration file.

Note At most one session ownership store can be configured in rhino-config.xml at any one time.
Warning As with all other persistence related configurations, the session ownership store should be configured the same way on all nodes in a Rhino cluster for it to function correctly.

Configuring the default namespace to use the session ownership store

The default namespace always exists, consequently the decision on whether or not the default namespace will make the session ownership subsystem available to SLEE components installed within it must be statically declared in rhino-config.xml.

This is done using the with-session-ownership-facility attribute of the <default-namespace> element within <persistence-resources>. The default value of this attribute, if not present, is False. A session ownership store must be configured, as described above, before this attribute may be set to True.

The example rhino-config.xml fragment below illustrates how the session ownership subsystem can be enabled for the default namespace.

  <default-namespace with-session-ownership-facility="True">

Configuring user-defined namespaces to use the session ownership store

The decision about whether or not a user-defined namespace will make the session ownership subsystem available to SLEE components installed within it is made when the namespace is created.

The namespace creation MBean operation accepts a set of options that allow the resources used by the namespace to be configured. One of these options indicates whether or not the session ownership subsystem will be available in the namespace. The options parameter should be set according to the required behaviour.

Just like for the default namespace, a session ownership store must be configured in rhino-config.xml before a user-defined namespace can be created with session ownership functionality enabled.

The rhino-console example below illustrates the creation of a namespace called my-namespace with session ownership functionality enabled:

$ ./rhino-console createnamespace my-namespace -with-session-ownership-facility
Namespace my-namespace created

Typical configuration process

The end-to-end process for configuring the session ownership subsystem typically follows the below steps:

  1. If necessary, a persistence resource and associated persistence instances are created using, for example, rhino-console commands while the Rhino cluster is up and running.

  2. The cluster nodes are shut down and rhino-config.xml is modified on each node to add the session ownership store configuration and declare whether or not this subsystem should be enabled for the default namespace.

  3. Finally, the cluster nodes are restarted.

Note During the installation of production Rhino, the installer will ask for if the session ownership facility should be enabled for the default namespace. If this question is answered in the affirmative, the installer will automatically configure the persistence resources and rhino-config.xml appropriately with default settings for the Cassandra session ownership store included with Rhino.
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Rhino Version 2.7.0