The Rhino SLEE install requires access to a PostgreSQL database server,
for storing persistent configuration and deployment information. The database
settings you enter here are required for the Rhino SLEE config files. The
install script can optionally configure the database for you, you will be
prompted for this later in the install process.
Will be created in your Postgres server and configured with the default tables for Rhino SLEE support.
Directory to install Rhino SLEE
Where to install Rhino (~ = the user’s home directory on Linux/Unix).
The Rhino SLEE requires a license file. Please enter the full path to your
license file. You may skip this step by entering '-', but you will need to
manually copy the license file to the Rhino SLEE installation directory.
Management interface remote method invocation (RMI) registry port
Used for accessing the Management MBeans from a Java RMI client, such as the Rhino command-line utilities.
Interface JMX remote service port
Used for accessing the JMX remote server.
REM uses this for remote management.
Interface JMX remote service port (for SSL)
Used for accessing the JMX remote server via SSL.
REM uses this for remote management.
Profile snapshot base port
The profile snapshot utility (client/bin/rhino-snapshot) requires a range of
ports to operate correctly. The ports in this range are tested sequentially
(starting at the base port) until a non-conflicting port is successfully bound.
The bound port is later queried by the snapshot client via JMX to determine
where to collect snapshot data from. In almost all cases, the default port will
be suitable.
Java installation directory
Value of the JAVA_HOME environment variable (if it is set)
An argument passed to the JVM to specify the amount of main memory (in megabytes) which should be allocated for running Rhino.
To prevent extensive disk swapping, this should be set to less than the total physical memory installed in the machine.
Cluster communication mode
Networking implementation to send clustering traffic over.
An integer ID that uniquely identifies this cluster.
Address Pool Start
A pool of multicast addresses that will be used for group communication by Rhino services.
Address Pool End
Scattercast Base Port
Base port used for automatic endpoint port assignment in scattercast mode
Scattercast Port Offset
Offset used for automatic endpoint port assignment in scattercast mode
Scattercast Initial Endpoints
The scattercast initial endpoints, specified in the format: <node,ip-address[,port]>*
As an example: 101, 102, 103,,12500
In this example node 101 will use the defined Base Port and offset for the port
(e.g. 12000 - offset + nodeID = 12000) and node 102 is doing the same (e.g. 12000 - offset + nodeID = 12001).
Node 103 has explicitly set the port to 12500.