Changes between 2.0.2 and

  • MM7 is in a separate bundle from SMPP, and the structure has been reorganised.

  • Support added for all Release 5 and Release 6 schemas (up to REL-6-MM7-1-4).

  • Resource adaptors require a license to activate in production Rhino instances.

  • Statistics are reported by resource adaptors.

  • Active RA entity reconfiguration supported.

  • Types shared between RS and VASP resource adaptors are packaged in a library JAR.

  • Vendor string for all components is "OpenCloud".

  • All resource adaptor types, event types and resource adaptor versions updated to 2.1.

Changes between 2.0.1 and 2.0.2

  • MM7 VASP RA 2.0.2, MM7 RS RA 2.0.2:

  • Fixed an issue where TCP connection write queues could grow indefinitely if a faulty peer failed to read from its socket.

Changes between 2.0 and 2.0.1

  • MM7 VASP RA 2.0.1, MM7 RS RA 2.0.1:

  • Fixed bug that prevented RA configuration updates from working.

  • Raise alarm if RA activation fails for any reason.

Changes between 1.x and 2.0

  • Updated all MM7 RAs to be compliant with SLEE 1.1-final specification, so they can be deployed in the Rhino 2.0.