FSM Tool
New default value in generated FSM for MAX_EXECUTION_CYCLES of 100
New methods to get and set max execution cycles on the FSM object at runtime
Extension to generate-fsm ant task to allow configuration of the initial value of MAX_EXECUTION_CYCLES when generating the FSM implementation class
FSM Tool
Added isInFinalState() and isInInitialState() to generated FSM implementation classes (DEV-148)
Fixed a bug in the InputRegister which meant that raising and retrieving an associated event in the same execution cycle returned null. (DEV-146)
Added isExecuting() method to expose the execution state of the FSM. (DEV-145)
FSM Tool
Added getClassLoader security permission to FSM tool library jar (DEV-142)
Fixed a bug which resulted in ActionSpecifications only being able to declare one sent input. They are now able to declare multiple sent inputs as long as they all belong to the same endpoint.
Changed string template for FSM code generation. There are now two new methods which allow looking up endpoints or inputs by name.
FSM Tool
Added support for comments in the FSM model (DEV-129)
Added a missing file separator in path construction between the output root directory and package path (eg: a/b/c/d instead of a/bc/d") (DEV-127)
Performance improvements to the InputRegisterImpl and generated FSM code.
Support for registering a CodecFactory for codecs implementing Codec for use with FSM input associated objects.
Use of FastSerialize as the default Codec implementation for FSM input associated objects.
Fixed a problem with StateMachineSbb that could generate code that fails at runtime (DEV-136)
FSM Tool
Changed the FSM execution to a deterministic model with scheduled and execution views of the input register
FSM DSL changes:
Renamed vfsm to fsm
Added endpoints and action specifications to the FSM DSL
Added ! (NOT) to conditional expressions in the FSM DSL. inputaction and transition conditions can now include ! unary operator
renamed output dictionary to action dictionary
renamed outputs to actions
action, state and input names now follow rules for Java identifiers
Support storage of objects against endspoints (aci, event context) and inputs (associated objects)
Introduced new action API which includes action methods with access to facilities and objects associated with endpoints and inputs
Add code generation templates and ant task for multiple FSM per SBB
Add code generation templates for POJO FSMs
Refactored code generation templates to improve structure, readability and reduce lines of code generated
Performance improvements for FSM encoded state in CMP
Improved logging and reporting of parser errors
Added per session tracing
New multi fsm per sbb example service
FSM check to prevent use of java keywords for actions, states, inputs, or endpoints.
FSM Tool
Updated build.xml to reference the correct OpenCloud XDoclet 2.0.1 jar files
Added missing META-INF directory to the helloworldextended example
FSM Tool 0.8.5 * Removed support for JAIN SLEE 1.0
Support for OpenCloud XDoclet 2.0.1. This version of the OpenCloud XDoclet adds support for JAIN SLEE 1.1 descriptors
Support for SBB reentrancy
Use of JAIN SLEE 1.1 tracers
Compatibility with Dev Portal BaseSbb (and any other base SBB which a developer may care to use)
Additional of a new receivedInput method signature for use with multiple incoming inputs
Improvements to the pkey handling in log messages
Addition of code generation template for POJOs
FSM Tool
First public release of the FSM Tool.