Class UninstallMacroTask

  • public class UninstallMacroTask
    extends ComponentBasedTask
    Uninstalls a SIS macro component from a SIS RA entity. The SIS RA entity to manage to is specified by the enclosing SISManagementTask element. The component ID of the macro to uninstall is specified in the nested macro element. For example:
     <sis-sip-management raentity="foo">
         <macro name="IsOriginating" vendor="" version="1.0"/>
    This task invokes the MacroManagementMBean.uninstall(com.opencloud.slee.resources.sis.components.MacroID) management operation.

    Ant Parameters

    Attribute Description Required
    failonerror Default failure case behaviour for this task. If set to 'false' or 'no', the build will continue when this task attempts a redundant action. No, default is inherited from the enclosing SISManagementTask.

    Parameters specified as nested elements

    Element Description
    macro Contains the macro component ID. Exactly one nested macro element must be present.