Interface BigGroupProvider

  • public interface BigGroupProvider
    Big Group Provider interface. Provides APIs for efficiently forking a call to many users or notifying many subscribers
    • Method Detail

      • newForkActivity

        ForkActivity newForkActivity​(javax.sip.ServerTransaction initialTransaction)
                              throws javax.sip.SipException
        Creates a new ForkActivity and starts it in the SLEE. Does not send any messages.
        initialTransaction - the server transaction for an initial incoming INVITE request. This request will be forwarded to the targets supplied to ForkActivity.forkTo(java.util.List).

        Note: Additional calls to this method with the same ServerTransaction instance will create new activities.

        a new ForkActivity object.
        javax.sip.SipException - if unable to start the activity
      • getSubscriptionActivity

        SubscriptionActivity getSubscriptionActivity​(String resource,
                                                     boolean create)
        Get the SubscriptionActivity for a subscribed resource, optionally creating the activity if it did not already exist.
        resource - the unique identifier of the subscribed resource. This is up to the application to define, but would typically be a combination of the Request-URI and Event header, as per RFC 3265.
        create - if true, a new SubscriptionActivity will be created if one did not already exist for the given resource. Otherwise, return the existing activity or null if the activity does not exist.
        a SubscriptionActivity, or null if an activity for the resource does not exist and create was false.