Class BindingDescriptorDescriptor

    • Constructor Detail

      • BindingDescriptorDescriptor

        public BindingDescriptorDescriptor​(com.opencloud.slee.BindingDescriptorID component,
                                           DeployableUnitID deployableUnit,
                                           String source,
                                           LibraryID[] libraries,
                                           SbbID[] sbbs,
                                           com.opencloud.slee.SbbPartID[] sbbParts,
                                           ProfileSpecificationID[] profileSpecs)

        Create a new binding descriptor component descriptor.

        component - the identifier of the component.
        deployableUnit - the identifier of the deployable unit from which the component was installed.
        source - the name of the binding descriptor file from which this component was installed.
        libraries - the component identifiers of the libraries referenced by this binding descriptor.
        sbbs - the component identifiers of the SBBs referenced by this binding descriptor.
        sbbParts - the component identifiers of the SBB parts referenced by this binding descriptor.
        profileSpecs - the component identifiers of the profile specifications referenced by this binding descriptor.
    • Method Detail

      • getSbbs

        public SbbID[] getSbbs()

        Get the component identifiers of the SBBs referenced by this binding descriptor.

        the component identifiers of the SBBs referenced by this binding descriptor.
      • getSbbParts

        public com.opencloud.slee.SbbPartID[] getSbbParts()

        Get the component identifiers of the SBB parts referenced by this binding descriptor.

        the component identifiers of the SBB parts referenced by this binding descriptor.
      • getProfileSpecifications

        public ProfileSpecificationID[] getProfileSpecifications()

        Get the component identifiers of the profile specifications referenced by this binding descriptor.

        the component identifiers of the profile specifications referenced by this binding descriptor.