Interface HttpRequest

    • Method Detail

      • getMethod

        String getMethod()
        Get the HTTP request method of this request.
        the method (GET, POST, etc)
      • getRequestURL

        URL getRequestURL()
        Get the request URL of this request, including the host. To get the raw Request-URI as specified in the Request-Line of the request, use getRequestURI() instead.
        the request URL, including host
      • getRequestURI

        URI getRequestURI()
        Get the Request-URI specified in the Request-Line of the HTTP request, as defined in section 5.1.2 of RFC 2616. Note that this may be an absolute URI, or just a path. Only set for incoming requests. To get the URL form which includes the host, use getRequestURL() instead.
        The Request-URI of the request
      • getClientAddress

        InetAddress getClientAddress()
        Returns the address of the HTTP client.
        Only set for incoming requests.
        Convenience method equivalent to getClientDetails().getAddress()
      • getClientDetails

        ClientDetails getClientDetails()
        Returns a ClientDetails instance containing details about the client.
        Only set for incoming requests.
      • getLocalAddress

        InetAddress getLocalAddress()
        Return the local address of the HTTP server that the client is connected to.
        Only set for incoming requests.
      • getCipherSuite

        String getCipherSuite()
        Return the cipher suite being used for this connection.
        Only set for secure connections.
        the name of the cipher suite.