This document provides instructions for using the Visual Interaction Architect (VIA), a Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool you can use to build and deploy SIS components (triggers, compositions, and macros).


This document includes the following topics:

  • About the VIA — a brief overview of the Visual Interaction Architect (VIA)

  • Installing VIA — procedures for choosing and installing the correct version of VIA for your OS and Java JVM

  • Creating SIS components with the VIA — procedures for creating SIS triggers, compositions, macros, and different types of service references; and removing and modifying SIS components

  • Managing live SIS deployments with VIA — using the SIS Management API to remotely manage the deployment of a SIS, downloading SIS components from a remote SIS, and changing and updating the deployment with local changes

  • Fine-tuning the configuration — editing global and project-specific configuration files.


This document is for system administrators as well as service developers who intend to use the VIA GUI for creating, deploying, managing, and maintaining the SIS on a Rhino SLEE.

This document assumes a knowledge of the concepts explained in SIS Overview and Concepts.


This document covers procedures for installing and using the Visual Interaction Architect (VIA) GUI.

This document does NOT focus on:

About the VIA

VIA offers a visual design environment, with a graphic interface you can use for building SIS components (triggers, compositions, interceptors, and macros).

As explained in SIS Overview and Concepts, the SIS-internal representation of these components are XML descriptor files. With VIA, instead of producing or maintaining this XML manually, you can create the SIS components visually as diagrams (such as trigger diagrams and interaction diagrams). VIA takes over the task of generating the XML descriptors so you can focus on the task of defining service interaction behaviour, rather than writing XML.

The following screenshot shows key components of the VIA GUI.

Note For more information on SIS generally, see the SIS Overview and Concepts document.

Installing VIA

To install VIA:

  1. Copy the appropriate release package for your OS and processor to a directory of your choice.

  2. Unpack the release package, and run its executable.

  3. Run VIA.

Choose Release Package

VIA supports the following platforms.

OS Version Architecture


Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7

x86, 32-bit, 64-bit


11.04 or later

x86, 32-bit, 64-bit


10.4 (Tiger) or later

x86, 32-bit, 64-bit

Warning Note, for Linux installations please ensure your OS and hardware use the same architecture (for example, a 32-bit OS with a 32-bit processor).

Package Installation

Below are instructions for installing VIA for Windows, Linux, or Mac (OSX).

Installing VIA for Windows

Before installing on Windows, please make sure that a Java 8 JDK is installed and available in the Windows PATH. VIA will fail to start if Windows gives it a later Java JDK version.

After making sure that you have a compatible JVM installed, and downloading the appropriate release package for your system.


Copy the release package (a `.zip `archive file) to a directory of your choice on your local file system.



Use WinZIP, WinRAR or 7-Zip to unpack the .zip archive into the directory.

You should now see a "VIA" subfolder in your directory.



Run the VIA executable.

Installing VIA for Linux

Before installing on Linux, please make sure that:

  • A Java 8 JDK is installed and available via the PATH environment variable.

  • The GTK 2 library is installed on the system.

VIA will fail to start if Linux gives it a later Java JDK version, or if the GTK 2 library is not installed.

After making sure that you have the prerequisites listed above, and downloading the appropriate release package for your system:


Copy the release package (a .zip archive file) to a directory of your choice on your local file system.



Use the Archive Manager or unzip command to unpack the .zip archive into the directory.

You should now see a "VIA" subfolder in your directory.



Run the VIA executable.

Installing VIA for Mac OSX

Before installing on Mac OSX, please make sure that a Java 8 JDK is the default Java. VIA will fail to start if Mac OSX gives it a later Java JDK version.

After making sure that you have a compatible JVM installed, and downloading the appropriate release package for your system:


Copy the release package (a .zip archive file) to a directory of your choice on your local file system. Here the archive has been saved to the desktop.

mac archive


Double click on the .zip archive.

mac uncompress

You should now see a VIA folder.

mac folder


Run the VIA executable.


To make things really simple, drag VIA to your taskbar so you can run it any time!

mac taskbar

Running for the First Time

This section gives some information and guidance for users who start the VIA for the first time after installation.

In particular, it explains:

Welcome Screen

When you start VIA for the first time (after installation), the Welcome screen displays.

It includes a series of links to "Introductory topics", describing popular tasks.

To…​ Do this:

return to the main Welcome screen page from each of the task descriptions

click the Home icon HomeIcon at top right

close the Welcome screen, and get to the VIA main workbench area

click the ✖ in the Welcome tab

get to back to the Welcome screen at any time, from the main workbench area

select HelpWelcome from the Program menu


Workbench Structure

The VIA main program window is called the workbench.


As shown in the illustration, the workbench includes:

SISview SIS View — projects open in the VIA, and their SIS components.

  • Double-clicking a SIS component (trigger, macro, interceptor, or composition) opens its diagram in the Editor window.

  • Double-clicking a service reference, extension reference, or interceptor reference opens its properties in a Dialog window.

  • Right-clicking any node in the tree structure opens a context (popup) menu with operations you can perform on that SIS component or part of the project structure.

Probview Problems view — all error and warning markers in open projects.

Edwin Editor window — SIS component diagrams (tabbed for multiple components).

  • palette Editor Palette (part of the Editor window) — visual component nodes, which you can drop onto the diagram canvas (varies depending on the type of diagram editor in the Editor window, for example a composition diagram has different palette entries than a trigger diagram).

Project Concept

Components in VIA must be organized into projects. The SIS View in the VIA workbench displays projects as top-level entries in a tree structure, with project components (triggers, macros, compositions, interceptors, and references) as their children.

Tip To create a new project, see Create a new project.

Opening and closing projects

A project can be either open or closed.

Tip To open or close a project, right-click it in the SIS View, and select Open Project or Close Project from the popup menu.

CloseProject OpenProject

Warning Closed projects in SIS View don’t display their SIS components or any associated error or warning markers.

Project properties

Each project has a set of associated properties

Tip To display project properties, right-click the project node in the SIS View, and select Properties from the popup menu. (See Configure project settings for details.)

Creating SIS Components with VIA

This section explains how to use VIA to: create the various SIS components, organize them into project structures, validate (and fix) them, and retrieve the XML VIA generates for them.

It includes the following topics:

Tip Are you a first time user? Try reading Running for the First Time.

Import Example Project

The VIA distribution package comes with an example project that you can can import into the workbench.

Use the import wizard:


In the SIS View, right-click in the background and select Import…​ from the popup menu.


The Import Wizard opens.


Select General ▶ Existing Projects into Workspace.



Activate the Select archive file radio button, click the Browse button, and navigate to the file (in the VIA directory, during installation).



Click OK.

VIA imports the project into the workbench, and the SIS View shows its various components.


Create a New Project

Note Before you can create SIS components in VIA, you need a project to associate them with. The workbench lists existing projects in the SIS View, as root node elements:

To create a new project:


Click select New ▶ Project…​ from the File menu.



Choose VIA Project, click Next, and enter a name for your project.

SCIMProjectAndName SCIMProjectAndName2


Tip You can just click on Finish after entering the project name — VIA will create a project with the default SIS connection properties (and you can change them later).

Otherwise, click Next.

Options display for you to set up the properties for the management connection to a live SIS.

Note See Configure Project Settings for details on configuring connection properties.


What are triggers?

Triggers are SIS components that select the proper service compositions for each incoming request. To do this, they make use of three different lookup mechanisms, modeled as selector elements in the VIA’s trigger diagrams. For more about triggers generally, see Triggers in the SIS Overview and Concepts document.

Viewing triggers in VIA

Each project shown in the SIS View contains a triggers category, which lists all SIS trigger diagrams in the project, sorted by trigger priority (highest priority first):


Creating a New Trigger

To create a new trigger:


Select New ▶Trigger from the File menu.


The Trigger Creation Wizard opens.


Select the project you want the new trigger to belong to, and click Next.

Warning If the project you want to associate the trigger with does not appear in the list, make sure it’s open. (Only open projects appear in the selection list.)

The wizard prompts you to specify trigger properties.


Enter the trigger’s:

  • name, vendor, version

  • description (optional)

  • priority as an integer value (for valid ranges check What’s in a trigger? in the SIS Overview and Concepts document).


Trigger Diagram Elements

To open a trigger diagram, double-click the trigger’s icon in the SIS View trigger list. Below is an example of a trigger diagram, plus details on the trigger condition element, selector components compartment, and trigger terminate element.

Trigger diagram

Below is an example of a freshly created trigger.

Tip To change the properties of any diagram element, double-click it.
A dialog pops up for changing element properties.

Trigger condition element

A trigger condition defines when the SIS evaluates a trigger’s selector components (to select a service composition). On an incoming request from the network:

  • The SIS starts looking through the list of triggers sequentially, starting with the one with the highest priority.

  • If a trigger’s trigger condition evaluates to true, the SIS starts running through the trigger’s selector components.

  • If the trigger condition evaluates to false, it proceeds to the next trigger in the priority list.

Tip To configure the trigger condition, double-click the grey polygon with the condition’s textual description (or <unspecified_condition> if none is set yet).
The Condition Editor opens in a new editor tab.

Selector components compartment

Selectors are the trigger components responsible for finding and returning the appropriate service composition to run. There are three types: profile lookups, named composition, and composition selector extension (for details, see Composition Selection in the SIS Overview and Concepts document).


To configure selectors

  • drag them from the Palette (at right), and drop them on the grey Selectors compartment in the centre of the trigger diagram

  • link individual selector blocks to each other and to the Selector-Start and Selector-End elements, to indicate the order in which to evaluate them.

During runtime, the SIS uses the result of the first selector in the chain that finds and returns a valid composition.

Trigger terminate element

If a trigger’s trigger condition evaluates to true, but none of its selectors finds an appropriate service composition to run, the SIS proceeds to the trigger terminate configuration and takes a corresponding action.

Warning A SIS trigger is not required to have a terminate configuration, so the trigger terminate diagram element can stay unconfigured.


What are compositions?

Compositions are SIS components that specify the sequence in which to invoke a set of services. They can include quite complex branching logic, and even parallel invocation of services. (For details, see Compositions in the SIS Overview and Concepts guide.)

Viewing compositions in VIA

Each project in the SIS View contains a compositions category, which lists all SIS composition diagrams in the project:


Creating a New Composition

To create a new composition:


Select New ▶ Composition from the File menu.


The Composition Creation Wizard opens.


Select the project you want the new composition to belong to, and click on Next.

Warning If the project you want to associate the composition with does not appear in the list, make sure it’s open. (Only open projects appear in the selection list.)

The wizard prompts you to specify trigger properties.


Enter the composition’s:

  • name, vendor, version

  • description (optional)

  • triggering protocol (either "IN" or "SIP").


Composition Diagram Elements

To open a composition diagram, double-click on the composition’s icon in the SIS View composition list. Below is an example of a freshly created composition diagram, plus details on the composition start and end, service, variable manipulators, condition (branching), halt,and parallel block elements.

The control flow:

  • starts at the composition start. From here you connect to other elements (Condition, Service, Assign, and so on) using the connect link from the palette. The connect link defines a next statement relation. You use it to specify the sequence of script statements in the composition.

  • ends at the composition end element.

Composition diagram

Below is an example of a freshly created composition. It includes a start node (top-left) and an end node (bottom-right).


Composition start and end

The composition start and composition end represent the entry and exit points of the composition from the perspective of an incoming initial message from the network. Composition start and end points may also include a signalling interceptor (the triangle on the start/end element).



Composition start

Composition end

The composition input interceptor lets you manipulate the composition environment (setting variables, invoking extensions, and so on) before executing any of the composition’s service invocations or combining logic. The composition output interceptor can be used to perform manipulations after the composition’s service execution logic.

Tip To configure either of these interceptors, double-click the white arrow in its symbol.
The interceptors content opens in a new Editor tab.

Service element

The Service element specifies how to invoke a service (either local or external). The element does not name the service directly — it uses one of the service reference names (which in turn refers to either a local SLEE service or an external platform). As well as service reference name, you can configure other parameters (such as the timeout period and behaviour on timeout).

Tip To change the service invocation parameters, double-click the area at the centre of the Service icon, containing the service reference name.
A dialog with service parameters displays.

Each service:

  • can (optionally) have associated failure settings, specifying the response to send to the network if service invocation times out

  • contains an input and output signalling interceptor, to allow modification before or after service invocation; these are empty by default, and can be opened in a separate diagram by double-clicking the white arrows at top or bottom.

Variable manipulator elements (assign, delete)

Through the assign element, a variable can be set to:

  • a specific value,

  • the value of any other existing variable

  • a complex variable type (such as a CalledPartyNumber)

  • the result of a string-manipulation function (such as a substring or string-length).

Through the the delete element, an existing variable can be "unset".


Condition (branching) element

The Condition element represents a conditional selection within the composition’s flow chart logic. It has two outgoing connections:

  • <true> — followed if the condition evaluates to true (created using the if-true link from the palette)

  • <false> — followed if the condition evaluates to false (created using the if-false link from the palette)

Note A Condition statement must always have both, a <true> and <false> connection.
Tip To edit a Condition, double-click anywhere on the icon (which contains the condition’s textual representation at its centre).
The Condition Editor opens in a new Editor tab.

Halt element

Halt elements allow you to stop the composition at any point during the script run. After encountering a halt, the SIS will evaluate no more composition instructions and proceed to the composition end.

For SIP, a halt element can be configured with a failure response, indicating what shall be sent to the network.

Note Halt elements cannot have an outgoing connection to another diagram element as they represent terminals of the invocation chain.

Parallel block element

A parallel block allows you to define a set of services that should run in parallel, and meet at a synchronization point.

Note Each parallel block has input and output signalling interceptor elements, to modification of signalling before any service runs, or after all included parallel services have run.
Tip To add a new parallel service to a block, use the Service tool from the Palette, to drop a new service into the Parallel Block compartment. (Configure parameters and interceptors for these services the same way as "normal" services).
Warning Each parallel service has to connect directly to the parallel block’s output interceptor, and cannot connect to another parallel service. In other words, you cannot run two parallel services in a row. (May be supported in future version of SIS.)
Tip Each parallel block has individual timeout and timeout-handling parameters (similar to a service generally). To change them, double-click the parallel block background.
A popup dialog, similar to the one for configuring services, displays.


What are macros?

Macros are reusable functional blocks, which can be referenced from other macros, or used in conditional expressions in compositions or triggers. They have a double-sided nature:

  • On the one hand, they can contain Boolean operations (equals, string-starts-with, and so on) and grouping operators (and, or, not), and thus as a whole evaluate to either "true" or "false".

  • On the other hand, they can also contain (global) variable assignments or deletions, and as such have a procedural character.

In VIA, macros are modeled as condition tree structures, with individual nodes being either Boolean operators (such as equals or and) or procedural elements (such as assign or delete). For more about SIS Macros generally, see Macros in the SIS Overview and Concepts document.

Viewing macros in VIA

Each project shown in the SIS View contains a macros category, which lists all SIS macro diagrams in the project.


Creating a New Macro

To create a new macro:


Select New ▶ Macro from the File menu.


The Macro Creation Wizard opens.


Select the project you want the new macro to belong to, and click Next.

Warning If the project you want to associate the macro with does not appear in the list, make sure it’s open. (Only open projects appear in the selection list.)

The wizard prompts you to specify macro properties.


Enter the macro’s:

  • name, vendor, version

  • description (optional).


Macro Diagram Elements

To open a macro diagram, double-click the macro’s icon in the SIS View macro list. Below is an example of a macro diagram, plus details on comparator, string, present, variable, literal, group operators, and macro invocation elements.

Macro diagram

Below is an example of a freshly created macro.


Comparator elements (equal, not-equal, greater-than, less-than)

Comparator elements work the same as well-known operators named similarly. Each operand/parameter can be:

  • a specific value

  • the value of any other existing variable

  • a complex variable type (such as a CalledPartyNumber)

  • the result of a string-manipulation function (such as a substring or string-length).


To configure a comparator element:

  • drop it from the Palette onto the macro diagram

  • double-click the element.

A dialog opens to configure the two operands for the comparason.

Special string elements (starts-with, ends-with, contains, matches)

These operators, which return true or false (like comparator elements), check whether text strings start with, end with, or contain a sub-string; or match a regular expression.


To configure a string element, double-click it.

A dialog opens to set the values and variables for the operation.

Present element

The present element checks if a variable is set — if (at the time of the check) it’s in the list of global variables that the SIS keeps.


Variable manipulator elements (assign, delete)

Through the assign element, a variable can be set to:

  • a specific value,

  • the value of any other existing variable

  • a complex variable type (such as a CalledPartyNumber)

  • the result of a string-manipulation function (such as a substring or string-length).

Through the the delete element, an existing variable can be "unset".

Note An assign or delete element implicitly always evaluates to true.

Literals (true, false)

Literal diagram elements represent the Boolean literals: true and false.


Group operators (and, or, not)

Group operator elements represent the logical and, or, and not operators. As such, they are the only elements in a condition tree diagram (except the tree root) which have successor elements.


The SIS scripting language uses short-circuit boolean evaluation. In this current release of VIA,, the order of arguments to AND and OR expressions is based on the order in which they have been associated with the AND or OR symbol. If you are relying on the behaviour of short-circuit boolean evaluation (for example to guard an ASSIGN or DELETE), then you must take care with the order you define the parameters to AND and OR.

You can view the generated XML in VIA to check that your expression is indeed correct. To fix any problems, you can simply remove the connections to each parameter in your AND and OR expression, and re-attach them in the correct order.

Macro invocation element

Through the macro element, you can invoke other existing macros. When the SIS evaluates this element at runtime, it returns the value that the referenced macro returns.



What are interceptors?

An interceptor is a set of script elements that may modify the parameters of the messages it intercepts (or may perform some other action). For more about interceptors generally, see Interceptors in the SIS Overview and Concepts document.

Viewing interceptors in VIA

Each project shown in the SIS View contains a interceptors category, which lists all SIS interceptor diagrams in the project:


See also:

Creating a New Interceptor

To create a new interceptor:


Select New ▶ Interceptor from the File menu.


The Interceptor Creation Wizard opens.


Select the project you want the new interceptor to belong to, and click Next.

Tip If the project you want to associate the interceptor with does not appear in the list, make sure it’s open. (Only open projects appear in the selection list.)

The wizard prompts you to specify interceptor properties.


Enter the interceptor’s:

  • name, vendor, version

  • description (optional).


…​and click Finish.

VIA creates the interceptor.

Interceptor Diagram Elements

To open a interceptor diagram, double-click on the interceptor’s icon in the SIS View interceptor list.

Below is an example of a freshly created interceptor diagram, plus details on the variable manipulators, condition (branching), and halt elements.

The control flow:

  • starts at the interceptor start element. From here you connect to other elements (Condition, Assign, Delete and so on) using the connect link from the palette. The connect link defines a next statement relation. You use it to specify the sequence of script statements in the interceptor.

  • ends at the interceptor end element.

Interceptor diagram

Below is an example of a freshly created interceptor. It includes a start node (top) and an end node (bottom).


Variable manipulator elements (assign, delete)

Through the assign element, a variable can be set to:

  • a specific value

  • the value of any other existing variable

  • a complex variable type (such as a CalledPartyNumber)

  • the result of a string-manipulation function (such as a substring or string-length).

Through the the delete element, an existing variable can be "unset".


Condition (branching) element

The Condition element represents a conditional selection within the composition’s flow chart logic. It has two outgoing connections:

  • <true> — followed if the condition evaluates to true (created using the if-true link from the palette)

  • <false> — followed if the condition evaluates to false (created using the if-false link from the palette).

Note A Condition statement must always have both, a <true> and <false> connection.
Tip To edit a Condition, double-click anywhere on the icon (which contains the condition’s textual representation at its centre). The Condition Editor opens in a new Editor tab.

Halt element

Halt elements allow you to stop the interceptor at any point during the script run. After encountering a halt, the SIS will evaluate no more interceptors instructions, and proceed to the interceptor end.

For SIP, a halt element can be configured with a failure response, indicating what shall be sent to the network.

Note Halt elements cannot have an outgoing connection to another diagram element, as they represent terminals of the invocation chain.

Service and Extension References

You manage both service references and extension references through the SIS Management API.

Warning Service references and extension references are conceptually similar, but managed separately, with separate namespaces. While a service reference and extension reference can have the same name, this is not recommended  — it easily gives rise to confusion!

Service References

What are service references?

Service References are abstractions for a service that a SIS composition invokes at runtime. The service can be either:

  • local — bound to a SLEE service that runs in the same SLEE as the SIS

  • external — bound to an external platform, where the SIS holds configuration information (parameters of the external platform, such as SSN or PC) for forwarding requests; an (arbitrary) external component provides the actual external service to call — which can be a SLEE service within some other Rhino instance, but may also be (for example) a simulator or a Signalware backend.

Viewing service references in VIA

Each project shown in the SIS View contains a service references category, which lists all the service references in the project.


Each entry here appears as an entry in the service reference dropdown list for configuring a Service element in a composition diagram.


See also

Creating a New Service Reference

To create a new service reference in VIA:


Select New ▶ Service Reference from the File menu.


The Service Reference Creation Wizard opens.


Select the project you want the new service reference to belong to, and click Next.

Tip If the project you want to associate the service reference with does not appear in the list, make sure it’s open. (Only open projects appear in the selection list.)

The wizard prompts you to specify service reference properties.


Enter the service reference’s:

  • Reference name — the service reference name, which other components will use to refer to the service

  • Local or External — whether this service reference refers to a local SLEE or external service; this selection enables controls for entering either the SLEE Service ID or External Platform ID

  • Name, vendor, version: — (for a local SLEE service)

  • External platform name — (for an external service).

Figure 1. Local Properties
Figure 2. External Properties
Tip the Select from SIS functionality is not currently available.

Extension References

What is an extension reference?

An extension reference is a managed, symbolic name which refers to a SIS extension. A SIS extension, in turn, can be used to change and extend the behaviour of the SIS in cases where the standard elements are not sufficient. See User Extensions in the SIS Overview and Concepts document for details.

There are two types of extension references, for:

Service Composition Selector (SCS) extension references

To create a new SCS extension reference:


Select New ▶ Service-Composition-Selector-Extension Reference from the File menu.



Follow the usual steps through the wizard, until you reach the properties page. All SCS extensions bind to a local SLEE service, so enter the (name, vendor, version) triplet of the extension’s service into the appropriate fields. Then click Finish.


After the new SCS extension reference has been created, its name will appear as an entry in the dropdown list of Service Lookups in Trigger diagrams.

Interceptor extension references

To create a new interceptor extension reference:


Select New ▶ Interceptor-Extension Reference from the File menu.



Follow the usual steps through the wizard, until you reach the properties page. All Interceptor extensions bind to a local SLEE service, so enter the (name, vendor, version) triplet of the extension’s service into the appropriate fields. Then click Finish.


After the new Interceptor extension reference has been created, its name will appear as entry in the dropdown list of Extension elements in interceptor diagrams.


Component Validation

Each time you save a change to a diagram, VIA validates the diagram’s elements and their settings. If there are any problems, it will generate appropriate warnings or errors, and suggest "quick fix actions".

Error markers

Warnings or errors show up as Error Markers in the Problems View below the main editor window, and as little error or warning icons above the diagram element:


Quick fix actions

For each generated error or warning marker, VIA tries to generate a suggestion to fix the problem. Click the error or warning icon above the diagram element to display a popup menu of suggestions:


Access to Generated XML

You should be able to carry out all SIS-related tasks using the VIA’s diagrams and features (so you wouldn’t normally need access to the underlying XML).

You can, however, look at the XML by using the Project Explorer view:


The Project Explorer view is hidden in the default perspective, so it is not automatically visible when you start VIA for the first time. To display it, click Show View ▶ Project Explorer from the Window menu.


The Project Explorer displays next to the Problems View below the main editor window.


In the Project Explorer view, open the node of the project you are working on. All generated XML code is located in the xml subfolder.



To find the correct XML for a particular diagram component, you will need to find out its filename. To do this:

  • Display the diagram in the main editor window, by double-clicking the corresponding icon in the SIS View.

  • Hover the mouse for 1-2 seconds over the diagram’s tab.
    The filename (where the diagram is actually stored) displays as a little popup hint.

  • Replace the .comp, .trig or .mac extension of that name with .xml for the name of the file under which the XML which was generated for that component, in the xml subfolder of the Project Explorer.


Use the Project Explorer to open and view the .xml file directly in the VIA’s text editor (or export it into the file system by right-clicking on the file and choosing Export…​ from the popup menu).


If you display the generated XML in the VIA’s text editor, open the file as read-only.

Manual changes to the generated XML code in the internal (or an external) text editor will NOT be updated into the diagram.

In fact, VIA will simply overwrite any such changes without notice, the next time it generates the XML the diagram source.

Managing Live SIS Deployments with VIA

This section explains how to use the Visual Interaction Architect (VIA) to manage the SIS components in a working project. This includes deploying and undeploying components to and from a SIS, running on the same or a different host that is accessible through the SIS Management API.

Warning VIA’s Rhino management functionality is not currently available.

Configure Project Settings

Warning VIA’s Rhino management functionality is not currently available.

Update from a Running SIS

Warning VIA’s Rhino management functionality is not currently available.

Activate or Deactivate Triggers

Warning VIA’s Rhino management functionality is not currently available.

Deploy or Undeploy Components

Warning VIA’s Rhino management functionality is not currently available.

Fine-Tuning the Configuration

You can change global and project-specific VIA properties and settings through the following configuration files:

Configuration file Location Properties and settings

the configuration subfolder of the VIA installation directory

global VIA configuration properties and settings, including:

  • font and color settings for diagram elements

  • pre-defined IN and SIP variable names (such as initial-dp.service-key or connect.calling-party-number), for variable selection boxes throughout the VIA GUI

  • other settings (such as the RMI timeout).


the base folder of each VIA project in the workspace

project-specific VIA configuration properties and settings, including:

You need to restart the VIA to effect any changes to its configuration files.

Example: adding a global variable

To include a new variable to the variable-selection boxes throughout the VIA GUI, you would add its name to the semicolon-separated list of variable names of one or more of the following properties in


Example: adding a service reference to a project

Normally, you would manipulate service and extension references through operations in the VIA GUI. Although it’s discouraged, you could instead manually add a service reference to a local service for a project — by adding the reference string, in the following format, to the list of references in the property service-refs in the project’s .scim file:
