Interface SCSEvent

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface SCSEvent
    A Service Composition Selection Event is fired to a service on a Service Composition Selection Activity. The service is expected to examine the parameters of the request encapsulated in this event and determine the composition that should be executed for it.
    • Method Detail

      • getRequest

        Object getRequest()
        Get the request event received from the network.
        the request.
      • compositionSelected

        void compositionSelected​(CompositionID id)
                          throws NullPointerException,
        Notify the SIS that a composition has been selected for the request.
        id - the composition ID of the selected composition.
        NullPointerException - if id is null.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.
      • compositionNotFound

        void compositionNotFound()
                          throws IllegalStateException
        Notify the SIS that a suitable composition could not be found for the request. Trigger rule evaluation continues.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.