Interface INSCSEvent

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface INSCSEvent
    extends SCSEvent
    An IN Service Composition Selection Event is fired to a service on an IN Service Composition Selection Activity. The service is expected to examine the parameters of the request encapsulated in this event and determine the composition that should be executed for it.
    • Method Detail

      • terminateWithInvoke

        void terminateWithInvoke​(TcapOperation operation,
                                 Object arg,
                                 DialogTerminationPrimitive dialogTerminationPrimitive,
                                 boolean recordAsReject)
                          throws NullPointerException,
        Notify the SIS that trigger evaluation should be terminated for the initial request event. The specified operation invoke response is returned to the network instead as a response, and the network dialog is terminated.

        Only the following types of operations may be invoked using this method:

        • A connect response, eg. Connect, ConnectSMS
        • A continue response, eg. Continue, ContinueSMS
        • A release response, eg. ReleaseCall, ReleaseSMS
        operation - a metadata object identifying the operation to invoke.
        arg - the operation argument, or null if there is no argument
        dialogTerminationPrimitive - indicates how the network dialog should be terminated after the invoke operation has been sent.
        recordAsReject - if true the SIS will record this result in statistics as a rejected dialog. If false no reject statistics will be recorded.
        NullPointerException - if operation or dialogTerminationPrimitive is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified operation is not a valid connect, continue, or release response for the dialog, or the argument is not appropriate for the operation.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.
        SIS 2.3.1
      • terminateWithUserError

        void terminateWithUserError​(TcapError error,
                                    Object parameter,
                                    DialogTerminationPrimitive dialogTerminationPrimitive,
                                    boolean recordAsReject)
                             throws NullPointerException,
        Notify the SIS that trigger evaluation should be terminated for the initial request event. The specified operation User Error result is returned to the network instead as a response, and the network dialog is terminated.
        error - a metadata object identifying the User Error result to send.
        parameter - the error parameter, or null if there is no associated parameter.
        dialogTerminationPrimitive - indicates how the network dialog should be terminated after the User Error response has been sent.
        recordAsReject - if true the SIS will record this result in statistics as a rejected dialog. If false no reject statistics will be recorded.
        NullPointerException - if error or dialogTerminationPrimitive is null.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.
        SIS 2.3.1
      • terminateWithRedirect

        void terminateWithRedirect​(String iddPrefix,
                                   String countryCode,
                                   String redirectPrefix,
                                   DialogTerminationPrimitive dialogTerminationPrimitive,
                                   boolean recordAsReject)
                            throws NullPointerException,
        Notify the SIS that trigger evaluation should be terminated for the initial request event. The specified Redirect is returned to the network instead as a response, and the network dialog is terminated.

        The Redirect behaviour applied is as follows:

        • For InitialDP, the Redirect behavior issues a Connect operation with a Destination Routing Address created by prepending a prefix to the Calling Party (BCD) Number address contained in the InitialDP (normalised to an internationally formatted number first if possible).
        • For InitialDPSMS, the Redirect behaviour issues a ConnectSMS operation with a Destination Subscriber Number created by prepending a prefix to the Destination Subscriber Number contained in the InitialDPSMS (normalised to an internationally formatted number first if possible).
        iddPrefix - the IDD prefix used by the Redirect logic to convert addresses to national format.
        countryCode - the country code used by the Redirect logic to convert addresses to national format.
        redirectPrefix - the redirect prefix added by the Redirect logic.
        dialogTerminationPrimitive - indicates how the network dialog should be terminated after the Redirect response has been sent.
        recordAsReject - if true the SIS will record this result in statistics as a rejected dialog. If false no reject statistics will be recorded.
        NullPointerException - if any argument is null.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.
        SIS 2.3.1
      • failWithInvoke

        void failWithInvoke​(TcapOperation operation,
                            Object arg,
                            boolean abortDialog)
                     throws NullPointerException,
        use terminateWithInvoke(TcapOperation, Object, DialogTerminationPrimitive, boolean) instead, which provides the same functionality but allows you to indicate whether or not to record the result in statistics as a reject.
        Notify the SIS that a suitable service composition could not be found for the initial request event and the specified operation invoke failure response should be returned to the network. Initial Trigger Selection rule processing terminates as a result.

        Only the following types of operations may be invoked using this method:

        • A connect response, eg. Connect, ConnectSMS
        • A continue response, eg. Continue, ContinueSMS
        • A release response, eg. ReleaseCall, ReleaseSMS
        operation - a metadata object identifying the operation to invoke.
        arg - the operation argument, or null if there is no argument
        abortDialog - if true the network dialog will be terminated with a User Abort after the response has been sent. If false the dialog will be terminated with a Close using a basic end.
        NullPointerException - if operation is null.
        IllegalArgumentException - if the specified operation is not a valid connect, continue, or release response for the dialog, or the argument is not appropriate for the operation.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.
      • failWithUserError

        void failWithUserError​(TcapError error,
                               Object parameter,
                               boolean abortDialog)
                        throws NullPointerException,
        use terminateWithUserError(TcapError, Object, DialogTerminationPrimitive, boolean) instead, which provides the same functionality but allows you to indicate whether or not to record the result in statistics as a reject.
        Notify the SIS that a suitable service composition could not be found for the initial request event and a User Error failure response should be returned to the network. Initial Trigger Selection rule processing terminates as a result.
        error - a metadata object identifying the error to send.
        parameter - the error parameter, or null if there is no associated parameter.
        abortDialog - if true the network dialog will be terminated with a User Abort after the response has been sent. If false the dialog will be terminated with a Close using a basic end.
        NullPointerException - if error is null.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.
      • failWithRedirect

        void failWithRedirect​(String iddPrefix,
                              String countryCode,
                              String redirectPrefix,
                              boolean abortDialog)
                       throws NullPointerException,
        use terminateWithRedirect(String, String, String, DialogTerminationPrimitive, boolean) instead, which provides the same functionality but allows you to indicate whether or not to record the result in statistics as a reject.
        Notify the SIS that a suitable service composition could not be found for the initial request event and a Redirect failure response should be returned to the network. Initial Trigger Selection rule processing terminates as a result.

        The Redirect behaviour applied is as follows:

        • For InitialDP, the Redirect behavior issues a Connect operation with a Destination Routing Address created by prepending a prefix to the Calling Party (BCD) Number address contained in the InitialDP (normalised to an internationally formatted number first if possible).
        • For InitialDPSMS, the Redirect behaviour issues a ConnectSMS operation with a Destination Subscriber Number created by prepending a prefix to the Destination Subscriber Number contained in the InitialDPSMS (normalised to an internationally formatted number first if possible).
        iddPrefix - the IDD prefix used by the Redirect logic to convert addresses to national format.
        countryCode - the country code used by the Redirect logic to convert addresses to national format.
        redirectPrefix - the redirect prefix added by the Redirect logic.
        abortDialog - if true the network dialog will be terminated with a User Abort after the response has been sent. If false the dialog will be terminated with a Close using a basic end.
        NullPointerException - if any argument is null.
        IllegalStateException - if the service has already returned a response to the SIS for this event. This exception may also be thrown if the service takes too long to respond to the request and a timeout has occurred in the SIS.