Interface ExternalPlatformManagementMBean

  • public interface ExternalPlatformManagementMBean
    • Method Detail

      • getDescriptor

        CompositeData getDescriptor()
                             throws ManagementException
        Get information about the external platform definition managed by this MBean.

        This method returns a CompositeData type with the following fields:

        Field Open Type Description
        name String The name given to the external platform.
        selectionMode String The assigned external address selection mode.
        detectInterval Long The interval (ms) between checking the proportion of failed calls for each of this platform's active addresses.
        detectThreshold Float If the proportion of failed calls seen during a detect interval is greater than or equal to this value, the SIS marks the address as failed.
        retryInterval Long The interval (ms) between attempts to retry a failed address, to see if it has recovered.
        retryAttempts Integer The number of consecutive retry attempts that must succeed before the SIS will begin using a failed address again.
        addresses TabularData The set of addresses for the external platform. The format of this tabular data is described below.

        The TabularData used to describe addresses contains the following fields:

        Field Open Type Description
        position Integer The relative position of the address in the address list.
        address String The address.
        state String The current state of the address, one of "active", "inactive", or "failed".

        a CompositeData object as described above.
        ManagementException - if the service reference could not be obtained due to a system-level failure.
      • getReferringComponents

        SISComponent[] getReferringComponents()
                                       throws ManagementException
        Get the set of components that depend on the external platform definition managed by this MBean. An external platform definition may be referred to by:
        the set of referring components.
        ManagementException - if the referring components could not be retrieved due to a system-level failure.
      • addAddress

        void addAddress​(String address,
                        int position)
                 throws NullPointerException,
        Add an address to the external platform definition managed by this MBean. The new address will be inserted into the current list of addresses for the external platform at the specified position.

        Any new address added to an external platform definition is assigned the ExternalAddressState.INACTIVE state.

        address - the address.
        position - the list position to insert the address. A value less than or equal to zero inserts the new address at the beginning of the list. A value greater than or equal to the current number of addresses adds the new address to the end of the list.
        NullPointerException - if address is null.
        InvalidArgumentException - if the address is not a valid address.
        DuplicateAddressException - if the address has already been added to this external platform definition.
        ManagementException - if the address cannot be added due to a system-level failure.
      • removeAddress

        void removeAddress​(int position)
                    throws InvalidArgumentException,
        Remove an address from the external platform definition managed by this MBean.
        position - the list position of the address to remove.. This must be a value between 0 and one less than the number of addresses currently present.
        InvalidArgumentException - if an invalid position is specified.
        ManagementException - if the address cannot be removed due to a system-level failure.
      • activateAddress

        void activateAddress​(int position)
                      throws InvalidArgumentException,
        Activate an address in the external platform definition managed by this MBean. An external address must be activated before the SIS will consider sending any traffic to it.
        position - the list position of the address to activate. This must be a value between 0 and one less than the number of addresses currently present.
        InvalidArgumentException - if an invalid position is specified.
        InvalidStateException - if the address is already in the ACTIVE state.
        ManagementException - if the address cannot be activated due to a system-level failure.
      • repairAddress

        void repairAddress​(int position)
                    throws InvalidArgumentException,
        Reactivate a failed address in the external platform definition managed by this MBean. This operation is provided so that administrators can manually restore a failed address to active state, bypassing the SIS's retry attempts. Alarms for the failed address are cleared.
        position - the list position of the address to reactivate. This must be a value between 0 and one less than the number of addresses currently present.
        InvalidArgumentException - if an invalid position is specified.
        InvalidStateException - if the address is not in the FAILED state.
        ManagementException - if the address cannot be reactivated due to a system-level failure.
      • getAddressState

        ExternalAddressState getAddressState​(int position)
                                      throws InvalidArgumentException,
        Get the current state of an address in the external platform definition managed by this MBean.
        position - the list position of the address. This must be a value between 0 and one less than the number of addresses currently present.
        the current state of the address.
        InvalidArgumentException - if an invalid position is specified.
        ManagementException - if the current state of the address cannot be obtained due to a system-level failure.
      • remove

        void remove()
             throws DependencyException,
        Remove the external platform definition managed by this MBean.

        If this method returns without error, this MBean will be deregistered from the MBean Server.

        DependencyException - if the external platform definition cannot currently be removed due to an external service reference dependency on it.
        ManagementException - if the external platform definition could not be removed due to a system-level failure.