The Service Interaction SLEE provides service brokering and service interaction functionality for both SS7 and IMS networks.

The SIS is a very powerful, flexible, and extendable, script-driven service-interaction platform that can be used as standalone middleware, or as an integral part of the Rhino Telecom Application Server platform

Product Documentation

SIS-IN Changelog
SIS-SIP Changelog
New features, improvements and bug fixes included in each software release.

What’s New in this Version?
Only the major changes from this SIS release.

Compatibility Guide
Compatibility with Metaswitch and third-party software.

Administration and Development Guides

SIS Overview and Concepts
An introduction to the features and concepts behind the Service Interaction SLEE.

SIS Administration Guide
How to install, configure, and administer the SIS.

SIS REM Module User Guide
Using the SIS REM Module to manage a SIS with the Rhino Element Manager.

SIS Visual Interaction Architect (VIA) User Guide
Using the Visual Interaction Architect, a Computer Aided Software Engineering tool you can use to build and deploy SIS components (triggers, compositions, and macros).

Management Extensions APIs


Documentation for other versions of SIS is also available.