Annotation Type Query

  • @Documented
    public @interface Query
    The query element declares a static query. It contains an optional description, optional query options, zero or more query parameters, and a query search term defined inside an Expression.

    A simple query represented in xml such as this:

     <query name="simple">
        <query-parameter name="simpleParam1" type="java.lang.String"/>
        <compare attribute-name="countryCode" op="equals" parameter="simpleParam1"/>

    can be created by constructing a query structure such as:

           queryParameters = ,
           expression = @Expression(
               term = @Term(compare = @Compare(attributeName = "countryCode", op="equals", parameter="simpleParam1"))

    Complex queries that use conditional operators need to be constructed using a ConditionalExpression. A ConditionalExpression allows the operator (AND,OR,NOT) to be used with a number of Term's. To construct the more complex example below that contains nested conditions:

     <query name="AConditionalQuery">
            <has-prefix attribute-name="anAttr" value="val1"/>
                <has-prefix attribute-name="anotherAttr" value="val2"/>
                <compare attribute-name="yetAnotherAttr" op="equals" value="val3"/>

    A structure such as the one described below would be used. Care should be taken to ensure that the conditional alias's are used correctly.

     @Query(name = "AConditionalQuery",
            expression = @Expression(
                             term = @Term(conditionalExpressionAlias = "conditionalAND"),
                             conditionalExpressions = {
                                         condition = Condition.and,
                                         terms = {
                                            @Term(hasPrefix = @HasPrefix(attributeName = "anAttr", value="val1")),
                                            @Term(conditionalExpressionAlias = "conditionalOR")
                                          condition = Condition.or,
                                          terms = {
                                              @Term(hasPrefix = @HasPrefix(attributeName = "anotherAttr", value="val2")),
                                              @Term(compare = @Compare(attributeName = "yetAnotherAttr", op="equals", value="val3"))
    • Element Detail

      • name

        java.lang.String name
      • description

        java.lang.String description
      • queryOptions

        QueryOptions queryOptions
      • expression

        Expression expression