Annotation Type LongestPrefixMatch

  • @Documented
    public @interface LongestPrefixMatch
    The longest-prefix-match element is used in a query expression to find the profile that contains the longest attribute value that is a prefix of the specified value constant or query parameter.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String attributeName
      The name of the profile attribute to compare
      java.lang.String collatorRef
      A reference to a collator, used to perform locale-sensitive comparisons on the profile attribute values
      java.lang.String id  
      java.lang.String parameter
      The name of a query parameter whose value should be compared
      java.lang.String value
      A constant value to compare the profile attribute to
    • Element Detail

      • attributeName

        java.lang.String attributeName
        The name of the profile attribute to compare
      • value

        java.lang.String value
        A constant value to compare the profile attribute to
      • parameter

        java.lang.String parameter
        The name of a query parameter whose value should be compared
      • collatorRef

        java.lang.String collatorRef
        A reference to a collator, used to perform locale-sensitive comparisons on the profile attribute values
      • id

        java.lang.String id