Class DisableNetworkInterfaceTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DisableNetworkInterfaceTask
    extends SipServletTask
    Disables a network interface on a SIP Servlet RA entity. This task invokes the NetworkInterfaceManagementMXBean.removeNetworkInterfaceDefinition(String) management operation.

    Ant Parameters

    Attribute Description Required
    name The name of a network interface definition. Yes.
    connectionrefid The id of a previous connect task that will be used to connect to a SIP Servlet RA entity. No. The connection from the last successful connect task is used by default.
    failonerror Default failure case behaviour for this task. If set to 'false' or 'no', the build will continue when this task attempts a redundant action. No. Default is false.


    <disablenetworkinterface name="external"/>
    • Constructor Detail

      • DisableNetworkInterfaceTask

        public DisableNetworkInterfaceTask()
    • Method Detail

      • setName

        public void setName​(java.lang.String name)
      • validateParameters

        protected void validateParameters()
        Specified by:
        validateParameters in class SipServletTask