Interface RAckHeader

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Cloneable, Header, RAckHeader, Serializable

    public interface RAckHeader
    extends RAckHeader
    Extension to the RAckHeader interface.

    Provides access to CSeq and RSeq sequence numbers as longs.

    This extension interface is necessary because JAIN SIP 1.2 changed CSeqHeader to use long, but neglected to update RSeq and RAck headers.

    OCSIP RA Type 2.2
    • Method Detail

      • getCSeq

        long getCSeq()
        Gets the CSeq sequence number of this RAckHeader as a long.
        the long value of the CSeq number of the RAckHeader.
      • setCSeq

        void setCSeq​(long cseq)
              throws InvalidArgumentException
        Sets the sequence number value of the CSeqHeader of the provisional response being acknowledged. The sequence number MUST be expressible as a 32-bit unsigned integer and MUST be less than 2**32.
        cseq - the new CSeq number of this RAckHeader.
        InvalidArgumentException - if supplied value is less than ZERO or greater than 2**32-1.
      • getRSeq

        long getRSeq()
        Gets the RSeq sequence number of this RAckHeader as a long.
        the long value of the RSeq number of the RAckHeader.
      • setRSeq

        void setRSeq​(long rseq)
              throws InvalidArgumentException
        Sets the sequence number value of the RSeqHeader of the provisional response being acknowledged. The sequence number MUST be expressible as a 32-bit unsigned integer and MUST be less than 2**32.
        rseq - the new RSeq number of this RAckHeader.
        InvalidArgumentException - if supplied value is less than ONE or greater than 2**32-1.