All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractFieldsObjectCodec |
ActivityTestConfiguration |
ActivityTestTimerMode |
Represents the methods sentinel supports for controlling the activity test timer duration.
BaseDialogTcapMessage |
Base class for all classes that represent a message received on a tcap dialog
BaseDialogTcapMessage.MessageType |
BaseFeature<SessionStateType,EndpointType extends FeatureEndpoint> |
Base class for POJO features.
BaseFeatureCreator |
Base class for types of FeatureCreator.
BaseFeatureSbbImpl<SessionStateType> |
Base class for implementation of feature SBBs
BaseInitialTriggerFeatureEndpoint |
The interface a feature running on a session start or initial trigger feature execution
point uses to provide feedback into the sentinel core.
CallType |
Java enum to represent the CallType enum values.
ChargingInstance |
ChargingInstance.ChargingType |
Identifies the type of the Charging: reserved or immediate charging.
ChargingInstance.Instruction |
Type of charging instructions.
ChargingInstance.State |
Represents the current state of a ChargingInstance, an instance is in the
Initial state prior to processing CCA-I, Mid state after processing CCA-I
and Final state after credit finalisation is instructed.
ChargingInstanceAlreadyFinalisedException |
Exception thrown if the charging instance is already finalised.
ChargingManager |
CoreExecutionPhase |
Generic execution phases used by core features.
CreditCheckAlreadyInProgressException |
Exception thrown if there is already a credit check in progress.
DelegatingFeatureCollection |
This class will be used to bridge between the old style of feature collection and the new style
DialogMessageTcapMessage |
Represents a message on a tcap dialog that may have some associated components.
DialogOpenRefuseTcapMessage |
A dialog ending message the is the first response on a dialog.
DialogOpenRequestTcapMessage |
The first message on a dialog.
DialogProviderAbortTcapMessage |
A message received on a tcap dialog that represents a fatal error at the tcap provider level.
DialogTcapMessage |
Common interface to tcap messages received in a dialog
DialogTcapMessage.Type |
The types of dialog tcap message
DialogTcapMessageCodec |
DialogUserAbortTcapMessage |
A message received on a tcap dialog that represents a fatal error at the tcap user level.
DirtyMonitor |
DuplicateLegException |
Exception thrown if a Leg already exists with the supplied name in during importing, creating or forking process.
DuplicateNameException |
Exception thrown if charging instance already exists with the supplied name.
ElapsedTime |
Simple elapsed time class for logging time elapsed from
creation date.
EndSessionEvent |
Interface for the EndSessionEvent
EndSessionHandler |
Interface used for callbacks from FSM action implementations to the hosting SBB to
free resources controlled by the SBB e.g. feature timer ACIs.
ExecutionPhase |
Phases of processing a session in the sentinel.
FailedInstruction |
Interface for FailedInstruction, containing information for Features
to determine if action is required when an instruction failed to execute.
FeatureCollectionImpl |
Feature collection implementation used by new dynamic assembled feature collections
FeatureCreatorLookupTable<T extends BaseFeatureCreator> |
FeatureEndpoint |
The interface a feature uses to provide feedback into the sentinel core.
FeatureError |
Represents an error that occurred in the Feature
FeatureError.Cause |
FeatureFactoryImpl<FeatureEndpointType extends FeatureEndpoint> |
FeatureLimiterFilterConditionAccess<MessageType> |
FeatureSbbFacade |
Facade feature that acts as a proxy for a feature sbb
FeatureSbbFacade.FeatureSbbInvoker |
Externalise interaction with the feature sbb as the sentinel front-ends and registrar have different interfaces
for interacting with the feature sbb
FeatureWarning |
Represents a warning to the sentinel core, e.g for a non-fatal error or situation that the feature
resolved in some way that the feature wants the sentinel core to note
FeatureWarning.Cause |
HeadersByLeg |
Stores per- Leg header values.
HeadersByLegCodec |
ImmediateChargingInstance |
InitialLegPhase |
Represents the initial Sentinel leg phases that legs may be in.
InitialRequestMap |
Map of leg name to initial request
InjectAddressListCollection |
Features implement this if they require the use of AddressLists
InjectAddressListEntryReader<ExtendedListEntry extends com.opencloud.sentinel.feature.common.lists.AddressListEntry> |
Features implement this if they define a custom address list entry reader
InjectFeatureConfigurationReader<Reader> |
Features implement this interface to use a configuration reader
InjectFeatureLimiterFilterConditionAccess<MessageType> |
Features implement this interface if they need to manage limiter filter conditions.
InjectFeatureStats<Stats extends SentinelFeatureStats> |
Features implement this interface if they have defined their own statistics interface that
extends SentinelFeatureStats
InjectFsmBuilder<FSM> |
Features that are based on a POJO FSM, implement this to have access to an object they can use
to get FSM instances.
InjectMapperLibrary<MappingExecutionPoints extends java.lang.Enum<?>> |
Features implement this interface to use a Mapper Library
InjectResourceAdaptorProvider |
Features implement this interface if they require the use of an RA provider
InjectSentinelPlatformConfiguration |
Features implement this interface if they require access to platform level sentinel configuration
InstructionAlreadyPendingException |
Exception thrown if there is already an instruction pending.
InstructionExecutionFailedEvent |
Interface for InstructionExecutionFailedEvent, containing list of all FailedInstruction s.
InviteReplicationTrigger |
Indicates the point at which a call leg should trigger the start of session replication.
InviteSessionPhase |
Leg |
LegEndEvent |
Interface for the LegEndEvent
LegManager |
LegsAlreadyLinkedException |
Exception thrown if a Leg already linked to another Leg .
LegState |
LegStateMap |
LegSubscriptionID |
Represents a subscribed SIP event on a particular Leg
LegTransactionID |
Represents a SIP transaction on a particular Leg
LegUsageID |
LegUsageID should uniquely represent the SIP Usage.
LimiterFilterCondition<MessageType> |
Represents a condition to evaluate against an incoming message to determine if
the message can be considered for rate limiting or if it must be allowed through.
LimiterFilterConditionAccess |
Provides access to per-feature limiter filter conditions.
Mapper<SessionStateType> |
A Sentinel Mapper
MapperException |
Exception thrown by mappers which are unable to perform mapping due to missing message
content or incorrect configuration
MapperFacilities |
Facilities available to mapper methods
MapperLibrary<MapperExecutionPoint extends java.lang.Enum<?>> |
Provides access to available mappers.
MccMnc |
MessageBody |
MessageQueue<T> |
Interface for message queue.
MessageQueues |
Factory for producing message queues.
MultipartMessageBody |
NullSentinelFeature |
NullSentinelFeature is used by Sentinel if a feature that does not exist is referenced in a feature execution script.
NullSentinelSessionState |
An empty session state interface.
OcsSessionTerminationCause |
OpenCloudDiameter |
Utility class for inspecting Diameter messages.
ParameterValue |
Represents the value of a feature parameter
PeriodicWorkHandler |
This interface can be added to a SentinelFeature for out-of-session handling
of timer-driven periodic work.
PeriodicWorkHandlerStats |
PlmnIdAnalyser |
An interface for a provider that can be used by features to determine if a PLMN ID (combination of MCC and MNC)
is a home PLMN ID, or classify it as a Home PLMN ID, an MCC-only match, or no match.
PlmnIdAnalyser.PlmnIdMatch |
ProtocolLookup |
Protocol Lookup for: MAP
ProxyResult |
RecognizedAddressHeaderNames |
ReliableResponseID |
Represents the components that uniquely identify a reliable provisional SIP response.
ReservationChargingInstance |
ReservationChargingInstance.CreditResultExecutionPhase |
SentinelBaseEncodableContext |
SentinelByNameSessionState |
Defines the interface for populating session state fields by name.
SentinelChargingFeatureEndpoint |
The Sentinel Endpoint for this feature.
SentinelCommonSessionState |
Session state interface with the fields most commonly needed by features.
SentinelConfiguration |
Properties related to the sentinel installation and common to all Sentinel services.
SentinelEndpoint |
SentinelFeature |
A Sentinel feature.
SentinelFeatureSbbAccess<SessionStateType> |
Provides access to certain core Sentinel SBB methods required by feature SBBs.
SentinelFeatureSbbLocal |
The SBB Local interface for SBB based features.
SentinelFeatureSbbSupportInvoker |
SentinelFeatureStats |
Statistics that are common to all features.
SentinelFireEventException |
SentinelLocal |
SBB Local interface that the Sentinel core provides to SBB features
SentinelPlatformConfigurationReader |
Provides access to platform level sentinel configuration
SentinelRoamingSessionState |
Session state interface for features that care about the roaming status of the subscriber.
SentinelSbbLocalObjectAccess |
SentinelSessionState |
SentinelSipAVPs |
When adding a new AVP here, you will also need to add it to the config in sentinel-core:
And remember to update the docs in sentinel-documentation:
SentinelSipEncodableContext |
SentinelSipMultiLegFeatureEndpoint |
SentinelSipSessionState |
SentinelSipStatsAccess |
For components to access sentinel-sip core stats
SentinelSipUsage |
Usage statistics collected by the Sentinel Sip service.
ServiceTimerAlreadyExistsException |
ServiceTimerProvider |
An interface for a provider that can be used by features to raise timers.
SessionCounter |
SessionCounter contains the charging counters related to a
unique SessionCounterAddress set of key/value pairs and provide
methods for incrementing the various charging counters and getting the
current values.
SessionCounterAddress |
SessionCounterAddress contains the set of key/value pairs which uniquely identify a
SessionCounter .
SessionCounterAddressNotFound |
SessionCounters |
SessionCounters provides access to the various SessionCounters which are current active for
this set of charging sessions in a Sentinel session.
SessionCountersSessionState |
For features, such as promotion features, that need access to SessionCounters
SessionReplicationMode |
SessionStateParameterException |
Exception that represents a failure updating a session state field by name.
SessionStatePromotionBucketsSessionState |
For promotions that run on session-state-based buckets
SessionType |
SharedCoreSasEvent |
Java enum to represent the SharedCoreSasEvent event types.
SipAddressString |
A sip address string
SipAddressStringNormalizer |
SipAddressUtil |
SipFeature |
Interface implemented by SIP features which need to expose a ToFeatureEndpoint interface.
SipFeatureScriptExecutionPoint |
Sentinel-SIP Supported execution points.
SipFeatureScriptExecutionPointCodec |
SipLegType |
Describes how a particular Leg is going to be used,
based on the initial request seen on that leg.
SipLimiterFilterCondition |
SipMappingPoint |
Points in session where mapping may be required.
SipMessageCodec |
A DatatypeCodec for SipMessages .
SipMessageQueue |
SipMessageQueue provides a collection for holding SipMessage
elements in a Queue (FIFO) order.
SipProfileVerifier |
SipRegistrationStatus |
SipSentinelFeatureSbbLocal |
For SIP Features implemented as SBBs that have a ToFeatureEndpoint implementation.
SipServiceType |
SipStatusUtil |
Utility class for SIP response status codes.
SipStatusUtil.SipStatusType |
Represents the Response SipStatusType.
SipSupportedTransport |
Enumeration of SIP transports supported by Sip Sentinel.
SipThirdPartyCallOutcomes |
Available result codes for third party call setup request
SipThirdPartyCallOutcomeToHttpResponseMapperInterface |
SipTimestampAvpPresenceMode |
This enum is used to determine the population mode of Sip Timestamp information in CCRs and ACRs.
SIPUtil |
Utility class for SIP Messages.
SubscribedEventID |
A value object representing a subscribed SIP event and optional ID parameter.
SubscriptionReplicationTrigger |
Indicates the point at which a subscription leg should trigger the start of session replication.
TcapComponent |
Common interface to all tcap components.
TcapComponent.Type |
The types of tcap component
TcapLeg |
A TCAP leg represents the relation between an external TC user and the IPSMGW.
TcapLegManager |
The TCAP leg manager allows features to create, link and remove TCAP legs.
TcapMessagePersist |
TCOperationInvokeTcapComponent |
TCOperationProviderErrorTcapComponent |
TCOperationResultTcapComponent |
TCOperationTcapComponent |
Base class for all classes that represent a component
TCOperationUserErrorTcapComponent<ParamType> |
ToSipFeatureEndpoint |
ToFeatureEndpoint interface for Sip service features
TransactionInProgressException |
This exception is thrown by sentinel when there is already a re-invite transaction in progress
on this leg or there is a re-invite message in the MessagesToSend queue which will create this condition.