BinderTargets |
Indicates which services the annotated component should be bound into.
EjbReference |
A reference/dependency on an EJB
KeyspaceOption |
Definition of a keyspace option for replicated storage used by a resource adaptor
LimiterEndpointReference |
OcAssociatedType |
Denotes an association between a Type A and another B such that Type B should be treated as
a super type of A for the purpose of collecting slee annotations
OcCmpExtensionInterface |
OcCmpExtensionInterfaces |
OcCounter |
A counter stat used in an oc stats parameter set
OcProfile |
OC extensions to a SLEE profile
OcReplicationSelect |
A replication selection indicating when the service should replicate.
OcResourceAdaptor |
OC extensions to a Resource Adaptor
OcSample |
A sample stat used in an oc stats parameter set
OC extensions to a SLEE SBB
OcSBBAbstractClass |
OcSBBChildRelation |
OcSBBChildRelations |
OcSBBClasses |
OcSBBLocalHomeInterface |
OcSBBPartCmpInterface |
OcSBBPartCmpInterfaces |
OcServiceProperties |
OcSleeService |
A SLEE Service
OcStatsParameterSets |
OC stats parameter sets used by a resource adaptor
OcStatsParameterSetType |
An OC stats parameter set type used by a resource adaptor
OcUsageParametersInterface |
OcUsageParametersInterfaces |
ProfileStatsPresentation |
Annotation equivalent to the stats-presentation element in oc-profile-spec-jar.xml.
ProfileUsageParametersInterfaceTypeOidMapping |
Annotation equivalent to the usage-parameters-interface-type-oid-mapping element in oc-profile-spec-jar.xml.
ReplicatedStorage |
Definition of replicate storage used by a resource adaptor
ResourceAdaptorStatsPresentation |
Annotation equivalent to the stats-presentation element in oc-resource-adaptor-jar.xml.
ResourceAdaptorTypeReference |
A reference/dependency on a SLEE Resource Adaptor Type
ResourceAdaptorTypeReferences |
A set of reference/dependencies on one or more Resource Adaptor Types
ResourceReference |
Dependency on a resource
ResourceReferences |
A set of reference/dependencies on one or more Resources
SBBPart |
New OC component type that is a 'part' of an SBB
SBBPartActivityContextInterface |
The (optional) ACI of the SBB Part
SBBPartClass |
The class name of the SBB Part
SBBPartClasses |
The classes that comprise an SBB Part
SBBPartReference |
A reference/dependency on an SBB Part
SBBPartReferences |
A set of reference/dependencies on one or more SBB Parts
SBBPartStatsPresentation |
Annotation equivalent to the stats-presentation element in oc-sbb-part-jar.xml.
SBBStatsPresentation |
Annotation equivalent to the stats-presentation element in oc-sbb-jar.xml.
ServiceStatsPresentation |
Annotation equivalent to the stats-presentation element in oc-service.xml.
UsageParameterSetNameOidMapping |
Annotation equivalent to the usage-parameter-set-name-oid-mapping element in oc-resource-adaptor-jar.xml, oc-sbb-jar.xml, etc.
UsageParametersInterfaceTypeOidMapping |
Annotation equivalent to the usage-parameters-interface-type-oid-mapping element in oc-resource-adaptor-jar.xml, oc-sbb-jar.xml, etc.