Annotation Type FeatureConfigRef

  • @Documented
    public @interface FeatureConfigRef
    Annotation that describes a reference to the configuration of a feature.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String configType
      Config type of the referenced feature configuration.
      java.lang.String displayFieldName
      Optional field name in the referenced configuration from which to pull the display names for the values.
      java.lang.String featureGroup
      The feature group of the feature with the configuration to reference.
      java.lang.String featureName
      The name of the feature with the configuration to reference.
    • Element Detail

      • featureGroup

        java.lang.String featureGroup

        The feature group of the feature with the configuration to reference.

        This must be equal to the SentinelFeature.featureGroup() value of the feature with the configuration to reference.

        Defaults to the current feature's feature group if left blank.

      • featureName

        java.lang.String featureName

        The name of the feature with the configuration to reference.

        This must be equal to the SentinelFeature.featureName() value of the feature with the configuration to reference.

        Defaults to the current feature's feature name if left blank.

      • configType

        java.lang.String configType

        Config type of the referenced feature configuration.

        This must be equal to the ProvisioningConfig.type() value of the referenced feature configuration.

      • displayFieldName

        java.lang.String displayFieldName

        Optional field name in the referenced configuration from which to pull the display names for the values.

        This must be equal to the value of a field in the referenced configuration.
