Class RhinoSsl

  • public class RhinoSsl
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • checkSslProperties

        public static void checkSslProperties​(Properties configProps)
        Verifies that required system properties are set, and if they are not, attempt to set them using the supplied properties. Once set, these properties cannot be changed, and the keystore files will be read only once -- if a store changes on disk the application must be restarted (this is default Java behaviour and cannot be changed).
        configProps - checked when there are missing system properties
        IllegalArgumentException - if there is an error reading the specified key stores
      • checkSslProperties

        public static void checkSslProperties​(String storeDirectory,
                                              Properties configProps)
        Verifies that required system properties are set, and if they are not, attempt to set them using the supplied properties. If `storeDirectory` is not null, make key store file names relative to the given directory before checking they exist.
        configProps - checked when there are missing system properties
      • createSslProperties

        public static Properties createSslProperties​(String storeDirectory,
                                                     Properties properties)
        Create a new properties object using the given properties, with the key store file names made relative to `storeDirectory`. If `storeDirectory` is null, `properties` is returned unchanged.
        a new properties object with updated file names
      • createSslProperties

        public static Properties createSslProperties​(String storeDirectory,
                                                     String trustStore,
                                                     String trustStorePass,
                                                     String keyStore,
                                                     String keyStorePass)
        Create a new properties object to be passed to the `RhinoConnectionFactory.connect( ... )` methods that require an SSL properties object. If storeDirectory is not null, make the key stores file name properties relative to the given directory when adding them to the properties object.
        a properties object containing given properties