All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsoluteStatLimiterMBean |
Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single absolute stat limiter.
AccessControlManagementMBean |
AlarmExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to SLEE alarms.
AlarmMBean |
Rhino extensions to the JAIN SLEE 1.1 Alarm MBean interface.
AuditingManagementMBean |
The AuditingManagementMBean interface provides methods for interacting with Rhino’s auditing subsystems.
BindingAlreadyExistsException |
This exception is thrown when a component binding operation fails because the specified binding descriptor has already been associated with the target component.
BindingDescriptorDescriptor |
This class provides access to deployment-specific attributes that describe an installed binding descriptor.
BindingDescriptorID |
The BindingDescriptorID class encapsulates binding descriptor identity.
BindingDescriptorType |
Deployable type representing a Rhino binding descriptor.
BindingResult |
Result object returned from a binding operation.
BindingVerificationException |
This exception is thrown when a component binding operation fails due to a problem with the binding descriptor.
ClassRef |
This class defines a reference to a class and the set of component classes that refer to it.
Codec<T> |
Codecs convert objects to a suitable string form and vice versa.
CodecFactory |
This interface provides support for a human-readable export format of profile
attributes of a type defined outside the scope of JAIN SLEE.
ComponentAuditResult |
This class contains the result of a component audit.
ComponentDescriptorExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to SLEE components.
ComponentErrors |
This class contains the audit errors reported for a single component.
ConfigManagementMBean |
The ConfigManagementMBean interface defines operations related to declarative state import and export.
ConfigProperty |
A configuration property with a name, type, and value.
ConfigurationException |
ContainerConfigurationMBean |
Generic MBean for container configuration operations
ConvergenceStatus |
DeployableType |
Interface defining deployable types that may be installed into Rhino.
DeployableUnitDescriptorExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to deployable units.
DeployableUnitType |
Deployable type representing a standard SLEE deployable unit.
DeploymentMBean |
The DeploymentMBean interface defines deployment-related management operations.
DesiredStates |
DuplicateNameException |
This exception is thrown by the PersistenceManagementMBean if an attempt is made to create an entity with a name that already exists.
EndpointIDUtil |
HostRemappingSslRMIClientSocketFactory |
An SslRMIClientSocketFactory that overrides the host string provided in a socket creation request
with the host string provided during object construction.
ImportException |
This exception is thrown when a configuration bundle cannot be obtained from the URL specified to the import operation.
ImportOptions |
Additional options that can be specified when importing a declarative config bundle.
ImportOptions.ResourceAdaptorEntityReconfigurationAction |
Options for applying resource adaptor entity configuration.
InitialPersistence |
Enum constants identifying the initial persistence status of a service.
InstallLevel |
Enum constants identifying the install level of a deployable unit or SLEE component.
InvalidPKeyException |
An InvalidPKeyException is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when an invalid activity or Sbb entity key is encountered.
JDBCResourceConnectionPoolManagementMBean |
The JDBCResourceConnectionPoolManagementMBean interface provides methods to modify the configuration settings of a JDBC resource’s connection pool.
LicenseAlreadyInstalledException |
LicenseComponent |
Simple container class for storing function, version, and capacity inside LicenseInfo objects.
LicenseException |
LicenseException is thrown to indicate a problem with a license that is not due to a communication error (for example, a bad signature).
LicenseInfo |
A LicenseInfo object contains the license details for a single license.
LicenseManagementJMXConstants |
LicenseManagementMBean |
Allows installation, removal and query of licenses.
LicenseMBean |
Attributes which constrain and the operation of the SLEE
LimiterManagementMBean |
Defines the JMX interface used for managing the limiting sub-system.
LimiterMBean |
Defines the base JMX interface for controlling a single limiter.
LimiterNameComparator |
Compares limiter names.
LimiterRampUpMBean |
The LimiterRampUpMBean interface provides methods to configure ramp up of the "SystemInput" limiter.
LimiterType |
LimitingManagementException |
Exception type thrown by the limiting management MBeans for admin operations which are invalid.
LinkedComponentDescriptorExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to virtual SLEE components that are simple links to other SLEE components.
LoggerNotConfiguredException |
Thrown by log management methods when a log key does not match a configured logger.
LoggingManagementMBean |
The LoggingManagementMBean interface provides methods to modify Rhino’s log configuration.
MalformedConfigBundleException |
This exception is thrown when a configuration import fails because Rhino cannot interpret the contents of the configuration bundle.
MappingAlreadyExistsException |
This exception is thrown when a SAS prefix mapping operation fails because the specified prefix has already been associated with the target name.
MBeanUtil |
NameNotFoundException |
This exception is thrown by the PersistenceManagementMBean if an attempt is made to reference an entity with an unknown name.
NamespaceAlreadyExistsException |
This exception is thrown by the NamespaceManagementMBean when an attempt is made to create a new namespace with a name that is already in use.
NamespaceManagementMBean |
The NamespaceManagementMBean interface defines methods for managing Rhino namespaces.
NamespaceOptions |
Additional options that can be specified when creating a namespace to customise its behaviour and available resources.
NamespaceStatus |
NoAuthenticatedSubjectException |
This exception is thrown by management methods that need to associate runtime state with a user connection if the user has not been authenticated.
NoAuthenticatedSubjectException |
NodeHousekeepingMBean |
The NodeHousekeepingMBean MBean interface provides methods for inspecting Rhino SLEE state.
NodeState<DesiredStateType> |
NodeStatus<DesiredStateType,ActualStateType> |
NoSuchBindingException |
This exception is thrown when a component unbinding operation fails because the specified binding descriptor is not currently associated with the target component.
NoSuchStatsSessionException |
Thrown when an operation is requested on a stats session that does not exist
ObjectPoolManagementMBean |
The ObjectPoolMBean interface provides access to Object Pool MBeans.
ObjectPoolMBean |
Configure the dimensions of this object pool.
OIDSuffixMappingDescriptorDescriptor |
This class provides access to deployment-specific attributes that describe an installed OID suffix mapping descriptor.
OIDSuffixMappingDescriptorID |
The OIDSuffixMappingDescriptorID class encapsulates OID suffix mapping descriptor identity.
OIDSuffixMappingDescriptorType |
Deployable type representing a Rhino OID suffix mapping descriptor.
Opcode |
Opcode.Type |
OpcodeFileStorage |
Static utility class for saving/loading an xml file containing opcode data used for management auditing.
OpcodeManager |
OpcodeUpdater |
This util automatically updates the list of OpCodes used by management operations.
ParameterSet |
The client view of a ParameterSet.
PersistenceInstanceType |
Supported persistence instance types.
PersistenceManagementMBean |
The PersistenceManagementMBean interface provides methods to modify Rhino’s external database persistence configuration.
PlatformRestrictionsConfigManagementMBean |
The PlatformRestrictionsConfigManagementMBean interface defines methods for restricting changes to the Rhino platform.
ProfileDataCollection |
A ProfileDataCollection is a collection of exported profile data.
ProfileDataCollection.Attribute |
Class representing a profile table attribute description.
ProfileDataCollection.AttributeValue |
Class representing an exported profile attribute value.
ProfileDataCollection.MappedAttributeValue |
ProfileDataCollection.MappedAttributeValue.MapEntry |
ProfileDataCollection.Profile |
Class representing a profile.
ProfileDataCollection.Profile.Action |
ProfileImportResult |
Data class holding the results of a profile import operation.
ProfileMBean |
This interface exists solely so that the automated generation of management opcodes will set the access level of javax.slee.profile.ProfileMBean.closeProfile() to be "read".
ProfileProvisioningMBean |
The ProfileProvisiningMBean interface defines additional rhino management operations for creating, removing, and interacting with profiles and profile tables.
ProfileTableUsageMBean |
Rhino extensions to SLEE Profile Table Usage MBeans.
QueueSaturationLimiterMBean |
Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single queue saturation limiter.
RateLimiterMBean |
Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single rate limiter.
ReferenceErrors |
This class contains the set of reference errors made by a component.
RelativeStatLimiterMBean |
Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single relative stat limiter.
ReplicationSelector |
Enum constants identifying the conditions where service replication may be enabled.
ResourceAdaptorEntityActualState |
Resource adaptor entity actual state values.
ResourceAdaptorEntityDesiredState |
Resource adaptor entity desired state values.
ResourceAdaptorEntityState |
ResourceAdaptorEntityState.ResourceAdaptorEntityNodeState |
ResourceAdaptorEntityStatus |
ResourceAdaptorEntityStatus.ResourceAdaptorEntityNodeStatus |
ResourceManagementMBean |
The ResourceManagementMBean interface defines resource adaptor-related management operations.
ResourceUsageMBean |
Rhino extensions to SLEE Resource Usage MBeans.
RhinoHousekeepingMBean |
Administration MBean for operator driven Rhino housekeeping.
RuntimeConfigManagementMBean |
The RuntimeConfigManagementMBean interface provides access to Rhino configuration options that can be changed at runtime.
SasManagementMBean |
The SasManagementMBean provides access to the SAS server configuration.
SbbDescriptorExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to SBB components.
SbbPartDescriptor |
This class provides access to deployment-specific attributes that describe an installed SBB part.
SbbPartID |
The SbbPartID class encapsulates SBB Part component identity.
ScattercastMBean |
ServiceActualState |
Service actual state values.
ServiceComponent |
ServiceDesiredState |
Service desired state values.
ServiceManagementMBean |
The ServiceManagementMBean interface defines Service-related management operations.
ServiceState |
ServiceState.ServiceNodeState |
ServiceStatus |
ServiceStatus.ServiceNodeStatus |
ServiceUsageMBean |
Rhino extensions to SLEE Service Usage MBeans.
SleeActualState |
SLEE actual state values.
SleeDesiredState |
SLEE desired state values.
SleeDTDResolver |
A DTDResolver that knows about SLEE-related DTDs.
SleeManagementMBean |
The SleeManagementMBean interface defines the central management interface for the SLEE.
SleeState |
SleeState.SleeNodeState |
SleeStatus |
SleeStatus.SleeNodeStatus |
SleeVersion |
Enum constants identifying different JAIN SLEE specification versions.
Snapshot |
Encapsulates a single snapshot of statistics from a Rhino cluster at a particular point in time.
SNMPJMXConstants |
Type constants used for communication via JMX.
SNMPManagementMBean |
The SNMPManagementMBean interface provides methods to interact with the global configuration of Rhino’s SNMP agent.
SNMPNodeMBean |
The SNMPNodeMBean interface provides methods to interact with the per-node configuration of Rhino’s SNMP agent.
SNMPParameterSetTypeManagementMBean |
The SNMPParameterSetTypeManagementMBean interface provides methods to create and manage statistics parameter set type SNMP mapping configurations in Rhino.
SNMPParameterSetTypeMBean |
The SNMPParameterSetTypeMBean interface provides methods to manage the SNMP mapping configurations of a single statistics parameter set type.
StagingQueueManagementMBean |
The StagingQueueManagementMBean interface provides methods to configure the staging queue parameters.
StateChangeNotificationExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to state change notifications generated by the SLEE when the SLEE, a service, or a resource adaptor entity changes state.
StatLimiterMBean |
Defines the JMX interface for controlling a single stat limiter.
StatsManagementMBean |
The StatsManagementMBean is the entry point for clients wanting to extract statistical information from a Rhino SLEE.
SubscriptionMode |
Defines mode specifiers that client’s can use when subscribing to statistics.
SupportsUserTransactions |
Indicates that a management operation will recognise the presence of and use a user transaction
if it’s present during its execution.
ThresholdRuleManagementMBean |
The ThresholdRuleManagementMBean interface provides methods to create and manage threshold alarms rules in Rhino.
ThresholdRuleMBean |
Configure the conditions and alarm details for a threshold rule.
TimeUnit |
An emumeration of time units, used when setting a limiter’s rate.
TraceMBean |
TraceNotificationExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to SLEE trace notifications.
UnconfiguredResourceException |
This exception is thrown by the ServiceManagementMBean if an attempt is made to activate a service for which a required resource has not been configured in Rhino.
UnknownActivityException |
An UnknownActivityException is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when an activity cannot be located.
UnknownAppenderException |
Thrown by log management methods when an appender name does not match a known appender
UnknownSbbEntityException |
An UnknownSbbEntityException is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when a requested SBB cannot be found.
UnknownStatsParameterSetException |
Thrown when an operation requests information from a statistics parameter set that does not exist.
UnknownStatsParameterTypeException |
Thrown when an operation requests information about a statistics parameter set type that does not exist.
UnknownTimerException |
An UnknownTimerException is thrown by RhinoHousekeepingMBean methods when a timer cannot be located.
UnrecognizedBindingDescriptorException |
This exception is thrown by management operations when passed a BindingDescriptorID object that is not recognized by the SLEE, or does not identify a binding descriptor installed in the SLEE.
UnrecognizedLicenseException |
A UnrecognizedLicenseException is thrown by LicenseConfigMBean when an attempt to uninstall a license that is not installed is made.
UnrecognizedLoggingPropertyException |
Thrown by log management methods when an unknown logging property name is given.
UnrecognizedNamespaceException |
This exception is thrown by the NamespaceManagementMBean when an attempt is made to refer to a namespace that does not exist.
UnrecognizedStatisticException |
Thrown when an operation requests a statistic from a parameter set that does not define a statistic of the same name.
UnrecognizedUsageParametersInterfaceTypeException |
This exception is thrown by a UsageMBean when an attempt is made to refer to an usage parameters interface type that does not exist.
UsageMBean |
Rhino extensions to SLEE Usage MBeans.
UsageNotificationExtensions |
This class defines Rhino-specific extensions applicable to SLEE usage notifications.
UsageNotificationManagerMBean |
UserTransactionManagementMBean |
The UserTransactionManagerMBean interface defines a mechanism for management client applications to control transaction demarcation on management operations.