Interface UsageFacility

  • public interface UsageFacility

    The Usage Facility is used by SBBs and resource adaptors to gain access to the their usage parameter sets. Using this facility, usage parameter interface accessor methods are no longer needed or used, instead components may use the facility to create and remove child usage parameter sets of any declared type as needed.

    Many methods in this interface return a generic subclass of UsageParametersInterface. If the expected usage parameters interface does not extend UsageParametersInterface then a typecast to the target interface will be necessary. Note that a usage parameter set object will still implement UsageParametersInterface even if the corresponding usage parameters interface does not, so a typecast back to UsageParametersInterface will always be possible.

    All methods in this interface are non-transactional methods. The effects of operations invoked on the Usage Facility occur regardless of the state or outcome of any enclosing transaction.

    SBB JNDI Location:


    An instance of the Usage Facility is only bound into an SBB’s JNDI environment if the SBB declares at least one usage parameters interface using the extensions provided in oc-sbb-jar.xml.

    Resource Adaptor Config Property:


    An instance of the Usage Facility is only included in a resource adaptor entity’s config properties if the resource adaptor declares at least one usage parameters interface using the extensions provided in oc-resource-adaptor-jar.xml.

    Rhino 2.4.0