Class ProfileImportResult

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProfileImportResult

        public ProfileImportResult​(String[] created,
                                   String[] replaced,
                                   String[] updated,
                                   String[] removed,
                                   String[] skipped)
    • Method Detail

      • getCreated

        public String[] getCreated()

        Get the names of profiles that were created during the import.

      • getReplaced

        public String[] getReplaced()

        Get the names of profiles that were replaced during the import.

      • getUpdated

        public String[] getUpdated()

        Get the names of profiles that were updated during the import.

      • getRemoved

        public String[] getRemoved()

        Get the names of profiles that were removed during the import.

      • getSkipped

        public String[] getSkipped()

        Get the names of profiles that were skipped during the import.