GWT 2.7.0
Interface HasVisibility

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsolutePanel, AbstractCellTable, AbstractCellTree, AbstractHasData, AbstractNativeScrollbar, AbstractPager, Anchor, Audio, Button, ButtonBase, CalendarView, Canvas, CaptionPanel, CellBrowser, CellBrowser.BrowserCellList, CellGridImpl, CellGridImpl.Cell, CellList, CellPanel, CellTable, CellTree, CellTreeNodeView, CellWidget, CheckBox, ComplexPanel, Composite, CustomButton, CustomScrollPanel, DataGrid, DataGrid.TableWidget, DateBox, DateLabel, DatePicker, DatePickerComponent, DeckLayoutPanel, DeckPanel, DecoratedPopupPanel, DecoratedStackPanel, DecoratedTabBar, DecoratedTabPanel, DecoratorPanel, DefaultCalendarView, DefaultCalendarView.CellGrid, DefaultCalendarView.CellGrid.DateCell, DefaultMonthSelector, DialogBox, DialogBox.CaptionImpl, DisclosurePanel, DockLayoutPanel, DockPanel, DoubleBox, FileUpload, FlexTable, FlowPanel, FocusPanel, FocusWidget, FormPanel, Frame, Grid, HeaderPanel, Hidden, HorizontalPanel, HorizontalSplitPanel, HTML, HTMLPanel, HTMLTable, Hyperlink, Image, InlineHTML, InlineHyperlink, InlineLabel, IntegerBox, Label, LabelBase, LayoutPanel, LazyPanel, ListBox, LoggingPopup, LongBox, MediaBase, MenuBar, MenuItem, MenuItemSeparator, MonthSelector, NamedFrame, NativeHorizontalScrollbar, NativeVerticalScrollbar, NotificationMole, NumberLabel, PageSizePager, Panel, PasswordTextBox, PopupPanel, PushButton, RadioButton, RenderablePanel, ResetButton, ResizeComposite, ResizeLayoutPanel, RichTextArea, RootLayoutPanel, RootPanel, ScrollPanel, SimpleCheckBox, SimpleLayoutPanel, SimplePager, SimplePanel, SimpleRadioButton, SplitLayoutPanel, SplitLayoutPanel.HSplitter, SplitLayoutPanel.Splitter, SplitLayoutPanel.VSplitter, SplitPanel, StackLayoutPanel, StackPanel, SubmitButton, SuggestBox, TabBar, TabLayoutPanel, TabPanel, TextArea, TextBox, TextBoxBase, ToggleButton, Tree, TreeItem, UIObject, ValueBox, ValueBoxBase, ValueBoxEditorDecorator, ValueLabel, ValueListBox, ValuePicker, VerticalPanel, VerticalSplitPanel, Video, Widget

public interface HasVisibility

Implemented by objects that have the visibility trait.

Method Summary
 boolean isVisible()
          Determines whether or not this object is visible.
 void setVisible(boolean visible)
          Sets whether this object is visible.

Method Detail


boolean isVisible()
Determines whether or not this object is visible. Note that this does not necessarily take into account whether or not the receiver's parent is visible, or even if it is attached to the Document. The default implementation of this trait in UIObject is based on the value of a dom element's style object's display attribute.

true if the object is visible


void setVisible(boolean visible)
Sets whether this object is visible.

visible - true to show the object, false to hide it

GWT 2.7.0