Metaswitch’s OCSS7 is a protocol stack implementing a set of SS7 and related SIGTRAN protocols. The stack is intended to be used in an Metaswitch Rhino JAIN SLEE environment with Metaswitch’s CGIN.

The current version supports M3UA, ITU-T SCCP, ANSI SCCP, ITU-T TCAP, and ANSI TCAP.

OCSS7 offers the following main features:

  • Communicates with Signalling Gateways using the SIGTRAN M3UA protocol

  • Communicates with IPSP using the SIGTRAN M3UA protocol

  • Communicates with a TCAP user application using the TCAP SPI interface (which is CGIN RA within Rhino)

  • Cluster deployment — The OCSS7 stack may be deployed in a cluster where multiple stack instances cooperate and represent a single SPC.

Product Documentation

New features, improvements and bug fixes included in each software release.

Installation and Administration Guide
How to install and configure OCSS7.

Statement of Compliance
OCSS7’s compliance to the relevent International Telecommunications Union (ITU) standards.

OCSS7 Compatibility Guide
OCSS7 compatibility with Metaswitch and third-party software.

Documentation for other versions of OCSS7 is also available.