Interface MessageFactory

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface MessageFactory
    Factory to support the creation of concrete instances of AVPs for Diameter Sh applications.
    Open Cloud
    • Method Detail

      • getBaseMessageFactory

        DiameterMessageFactory getBaseMessageFactory()
        Get a factory to create AVPs and messages defined by Diameter Base.
        base Diameter message factory
      • getUserDataObjectFactory

        UserDataObjectFactory getUserDataObjectFactory()
        Get a factory to create objects that can be marshalled into the User-Data XML document
        User-Data XML object factory
      • createUserData

        UserData createUserData​(byte[] value)
        Create an instance of UserData that can be set in the User-Data AVP.
        value - an XML document as a byte array
        a UserData instance
      • createUserData

        UserData createUserData​(String value)
        Create an instance of UserData that can be set in the User-Data AVP.
        value - an XML document as a String
        a UserData instance
      • createSupportedFeatures

        SupportedFeatures createSupportedFeatures​(long vendorId,
                                                  long featureListId,
                                                  long featureList)
        Create a SupportedFeatures (Grouped AVP) instance using required AVP values.
      • createSupportedFeatures

        SupportedFeatures createSupportedFeatures()
        Create an empty SupportedFeatures (Grouped AVP) instance.
      • createUserIdentity

        UserIdentity createUserIdentity()
        Create an empty UserIdentity (Grouped AVP) instance.
      • createSupportedApplications

        SupportedApplications createSupportedApplications​(long authApplicationId,
                                                          long acctApplicationId,
                                                          VendorSpecificApplicationId vendorSpecificApplicationId)
        Create a SupportedApplications (Grouped AVP) instance using required AVP values.
      • createSupportedApplications

        SupportedApplications createSupportedApplications()
        Create an empty SupportedApplications (Grouped AVP) instance.
      • encodeAvp

        byte[] encodeAvp​(DiameterAvp avp)
        Encodes an AVP to a byte array using standard Diameter AVP data formats.
      • isRecognizedAvp

        boolean isRecognizedAvp​(DiameterAvp avp)
        Returns true if the specified AVP is recognized by this MessageFactory. Returns false for unrecognized (e.g. Extension) AVPs.
        true if the specified AVP is recognized by this MessageFactory.