and DiameterMessage
objects defined in RFC 4006
3GPP TS 32.299 v11.8.0.
Interface Summary Interface Description AccessTransferInformation Defines an interface representing the Access-Transfer-Information grouped AVP type.AccumulatedCost Defines an interface representing the Accumulated-Cost grouped AVP type.AdditionalContentInformation Defines an interface representing the Additional-Content-Information grouped AVP type.AddressDomain Defines an interface representing the Address-Domain grouped AVP type.AfCorrelationInformation Defines an interface representing the AF-Correlation-Information grouped AVP type.AllocationRetentionPriority Defines an interface representing the Allocation-Retention-Priority grouped AVP type.AocCostInformation Defines an interface representing the AoC-Cost-Information grouped AVP type.AocInformation Defines an interface representing the AoC-Information grouped AVP type.AocService Defines an interface representing the AoC-Service grouped AVP type.AocSubscriptionInformation Defines an interface representing the AoC-Subscription-Information grouped AVP type.ApplicationServerInformation Defines an interface representing the Application-Server-Information grouped AVP type.CreditControlAnswer Defines an interface representing the Credit-Control-Answer command.CreditControlRequest Defines an interface representing the Credit-Control-Request command.CurrentTariff Defines an interface representing the Current-Tariff grouped AVP type.DcdInformation Defines an interface representing the DCD-Information grouped AVP type.DestinationInterface Defines an interface representing the Destination-Interface grouped AVP type.EarlyMediaDescription Defines an interface representing the Early-Media-Description grouped AVP type.Envelope Defines an interface representing the Envelope grouped AVP type.EventType Defines an interface representing the Event-Type grouped AVP type.Flows Defines an interface representing the Flows grouped AVP type.ImInformation Defines an interface representing the IM-Information grouped AVP type.ImsInformation Defines an interface representing the IMS-Information grouped AVP type.IncrementalCost Defines an interface representing the Incremental-Cost grouped AVP type.InterOperatorIdentifier Defines an interface representing the Inter-Operator-Identifier grouped AVP type.LcsClientId Defines an interface representing the LCS-Client-Id grouped AVP type.LcsClientName Defines an interface representing the LCS-Client-Name grouped AVP type.LcsInformation Defines an interface representing the LCS-Information grouped AVP type.LcsRequestorId Defines an interface representing the LCS-Requestor-ID grouped AVP type.LocationType Defines an interface representing the Location-Type grouped AVP type.MbmsInformation Defines an interface representing the MBMS-Information grouped AVP type.MessageBody Defines an interface representing the Message-Body grouped AVP type.MessageClass Defines an interface representing the Message-Class grouped AVP type.MmContentType Defines an interface representing the MM-Content-Type grouped AVP type.MmsInformation Defines an interface representing the MMS-Information grouped AVP type.MmtelInformation Defines an interface representing the MMTel-Information grouped AVP type.MultipleServicesCreditControl Defines an interface representing the Multiple-Services-Credit-Control grouped AVP type.NextTariff Defines an interface representing the Next-Tariff grouped AVP type.NniInformation Defines an interface representing the NNI-Information grouped AVP type.OfflineCharging Defines an interface representing the Offline-Charging grouped AVP type.OriginatorAddress Defines an interface representing the Originator-Address grouped AVP type.OriginatorInterface Defines an interface representing the Originator-Interface grouped AVP type.OriginatorReceivedAddress Defines an interface representing the Originator-Received-Address grouped AVP type.ParticipantGroup Defines an interface representing the Participant-Group grouped AVP type.PocInformation Defines an interface representing the PoC-Information grouped AVP type.PocUserRole Defines an interface representing the PoC-User-Role grouped AVP type.PsFurnishChargingInformation Defines an interface representing the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information grouped AVP type.PsInformation Defines an interface representing the PS-Information grouped AVP type.QosInformation Defines an interface representing the QoS-Information grouped AVP type.RateElement Defines an interface representing the Rate-Element grouped AVP type.RealTimeTariffInformation Defines an interface representing the Real-Time-Tariff-Information grouped AVP type.RecipientAddress Defines an interface representing the Recipient-Address grouped AVP type.RecipientInfo Defines an interface representing the Recipient-Info grouped AVP type.RecipientReceivedAddress Defines an interface representing the Recipient-Received-Address grouped AVP type.RemainingBalance Defines an interface representing the Remaining-Balance grouped AVP type.ScaleFactor Defines an interface representing the Scale-Factor grouped AVP type.SdpMediaComponent Defines an interface representing the SDP-Media-Component grouped AVP type.SdpTimestamps Defines an interface representing the SDP-TimeStamps grouped AVP type.ServerCapabilities Defines an interface representing the Server-Capabilities grouped AVP type.ServiceDataContainer Defines an interface representing the Service-Data-Container grouped AVP type.ServiceGenericInformation Defines an interface representing the Service-Generic-Information grouped AVP type.ServiceInformation Defines an interface representing the Service-Information grouped AVP type.ServiceSpecificInfo Defines an interface representing the Service-Specific-Info grouped AVP type.SmsInformation Defines an interface representing the SMS-Information grouped AVP type.SupplementaryService Defines an interface representing the Supplementary-Service grouped AVP type.TalkBurstExchange Defines an interface representing the Talk-Burst-Exchange grouped AVP type.TariffInformation Defines an interface representing the Tariff-Information grouped AVP type.TerminalInformation Defines an interface representing the Terminal-Information grouped AVP type.TimeQuotaMechanism Defines an interface representing the Time-Quota-Mechanism grouped AVP type.TimeStamps Defines an interface representing the Time-Stamps grouped AVP type.TrafficDataVolumes Defines an interface representing the Traffic-Data-Volumes grouped AVP type.Trigger Defines an interface representing the Trigger grouped AVP type.TrunkGroupId Defines an interface representing the Trunk-Group-ID grouped AVP type.TwanUserLocationInfo Defines an interface representing the TWAN-User-Location-Info grouped AVP type.UnitCost Defines an interface representing the Unit-Cost grouped AVP type.UserCsgInformation Defines an interface representing the User-CSG-Information grouped AVP type.WlanInformation Defines an interface representing the WLAN-Information grouped AVP type.WlanRadioContainer Defines an interface representing the WLAN-Radio-Container grouped AVP type. -
Class Summary Class Description AccessTransferType Java class to represent the AccessTransferType enumerated type.Adaptations Java class to represent the Adaptations enumerated type.AddresseeType Java class to represent the AddresseeType enumerated type.AddressType Java class to represent the AddressType enumerated type.AocFormat Java class to represent the AocFormat enumerated type.AocRequestType Java class to represent the AocRequestType enumerated type.AocServiceObligatoryType Java class to represent the AocServiceObligatoryType enumerated type.AocServiceType Java class to represent the AocServiceType enumerated type.ApplicationServiceType Java class to represent the ApplicationServiceType enumerated type.ChargeReasonCode Java class to represent the ChargeReasonCode enumerated type.ChargingCharacteristicsSelectionMode Java class to represent the ChargingCharacteristicsSelectionMode enumerated type.ClassIdentifier Java class to represent the ClassIdentifier enumerated type.CnIpMulticastDistribution Java class to represent the CnIpMulticastDistribution enumerated type.ContentClass Java class to represent the ContentClass enumerated type.CsgAccessMode Java class to represent the CsgAccessMode enumerated type.CsgMembershipIndication Java class to represent the CsgMembershipIndication enumerated type.DeliveryReportRequested Java class to represent the DeliveryReportRequested enumerated type.DrmContent Java class to represent the DrmContent enumerated type.DynamicAddressFlag Java class to represent the DynamicAddressFlag enumerated type.DynamicAddressFlagExtension Java class to represent the DynamicAddressFlagExtension enumerated type.EnvelopeReporting Java class to represent the EnvelopeReporting enumerated type.FileRepairSupported Java class to represent the FileRepairSupported enumerated type.ImsEmergencyIndicator Java class to represent the ImsEmergencyIndicator enumerated type.ImsiUnauthenticatedFlag Java class to represent the ImsiUnauthenticatedFlag enumerated type.InterfaceType Java class to represent the InterfaceType enumerated type.IpRealmDefaultIndication Java class to represent the IpRealmDefaultIndication enumerated type.LcsClientType Java class to represent the LcsClientType enumerated type.LcsFormatIndicator Java class to represent the LcsFormatIndicator enumerated type.LocalGwInsertedIndication Java class to represent the LocalGwInsertedIndication enumerated type.LocationEstimateType Java class to represent the LocationEstimateType enumerated type.LowBalanceIndication Java class to represent the LowBalanceIndication enumerated type.LowPriorityIndicator Java class to represent the LowPriorityIndicator enumerated type.MbmsUserServiceType Java class to represent the MbmsUserServiceType enumerated type.MediaInitiatorFlag Java class to represent the MediaInitiatorFlag enumerated type.MessageType Java class to represent the MessageType enumerated type.MmboxStorageRequested Java class to represent the MmboxStorageRequested enumerated type.NniType Java class to represent the NniType enumerated type.NodeFunctionality Java class to represent the NodeFunctionality enumerated type.OnlineChargingFlag Java class to represent the OnlineChargingFlag enumerated type.Originator Java class to represent the Originator enumerated type.ParticipantAccessPriority Java class to represent the ParticipantAccessPriority enumerated type.ParticipantActionType Java class to represent the ParticipantActionType enumerated type.PdpContextType Java class to represent the PdpContextType enumerated type.PocChangeCondition Java class to represent the PocChangeCondition enumerated type.PocEventType Java class to represent the PocEventType enumerated type.PocServerRole Java class to represent the PocServerRole enumerated type.PocSessionInitiationType Java class to represent the PocSessionInitiationType enumerated type.PocSessionType Java class to represent the PocSessionType enumerated type.PocUserRoleInfoUnits Java class to represent the PocUserRoleInfoUnits enumerated type.PreEmptionCapability Java class to represent the PreEmptionCapability enumerated type.PreEmptionVulnerability Java class to represent the PreEmptionVulnerability enumerated type.Priority Java class to represent the Priority enumerated type.PsAppendFreeFormatData Java class to represent the PsAppendFreeFormatData enumerated type.QosClassIdentifier Java class to represent the QosClassIdentifier enumerated type.ReadReplyReportRequested Java class to represent the ReadReplyReportRequested enumerated type.RelationshipMode Java class to represent the RelationshipMode enumerated type.ReplyPathRequested Java class to represent the ReplyPathRequested enumerated type.ReportingReason Java class to represent the ReportingReason enumerated type.RoleOfNode Java class to represent the RoleOfNode enumerated type.SdpType Java class to represent the SdpType enumerated type.ServingNodeType Java class to represent the ServingNodeType enumerated type.SessionDirection Java class to represent the SessionDirection enumerated type.SessionPriority Java class to represent the SessionPriority enumerated type.SgwChange Java class to represent the SgwChange enumerated type.SmMessageType Java class to represent the SmMessageType enumerated type.SmServiceType Java class to represent the SmServiceType enumerated type.SmsNode Java class to represent the SmsNode enumerated type.Status Java class to represent the Status enumerated type.SubscriberRole Java class to represent the SubscriberRole enumerated type.TimeQuotaType Java class to represent the TimeQuotaType enumerated type.TranscoderInsertedIndication Java class to represent the TranscoderInsertedIndication enumerated type.TriggerType Java class to represent the TriggerType enumerated type.TypeNumber Java class to represent the TypeNumber enumerated type.UserParticipatingType Java class to represent the UserParticipatingType enumerated type.