AccessTransferInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Access-Transfer-Information grouped AVP type.
AccessTransferType |
Java class to represent the AccessTransferType enumerated type.
AccumulatedCost |
Defines an interface representing the Accumulated-Cost grouped AVP type.
Adaptations |
Java class to represent the Adaptations enumerated type.
AdditionalContentInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Additional-Content-Information grouped AVP type.
AddressDomain |
Defines an interface representing the Address-Domain grouped AVP type.
AddresseeType |
Java class to represent the AddresseeType enumerated type.
AddressType |
Java class to represent the AddressType enumerated type.
AfCorrelationInformation |
Defines an interface representing the AF-Correlation-Information grouped AVP type.
AllocationRetentionPriority |
Defines an interface representing the Allocation-Retention-Priority grouped AVP type.
AocCostInformation |
Defines an interface representing the AoC-Cost-Information grouped AVP type.
AocFormat |
Java class to represent the AocFormat enumerated type.
AocInformation |
Defines an interface representing the AoC-Information grouped AVP type.
AocRequestType |
Java class to represent the AocRequestType enumerated type.
AocService |
Defines an interface representing the AoC-Service grouped AVP type.
AocServiceObligatoryType |
Java class to represent the AocServiceObligatoryType enumerated type.
AocServiceType |
Java class to represent the AocServiceType enumerated type.
ApplicationServerInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Application-Server-Information grouped AVP type.
ApplicationServiceType |
Java class to represent the ApplicationServiceType enumerated type.
BasicServiceCode |
Defines an interface representing the Basic-Service-Code grouped AVP type.
ChargeReasonCode |
Java class to represent the ChargeReasonCode enumerated type.
ChargingCharacteristicsSelectionMode |
Java class to represent the ChargingCharacteristicsSelectionMode enumerated type.
ClassIdentifier |
Java class to represent the ClassIdentifier enumerated type.
CnIpMulticastDistribution |
Java class to represent the CnIpMulticastDistribution enumerated type.
CnOperatorSelectionEntity |
Java class to represent the CnOperatorSelectionEntity enumerated type.
ConditionalApnAggregateMaxBitrate |
Defines an interface representing the Conditional-APN-Aggregate-Max-Bitrate grouped AVP type.
ContentClass |
Java class to represent the ContentClass enumerated type.
CoverageInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Coverage-Info grouped AVP type.
CoverageStatus |
Java class to represent the CoverageStatus enumerated type.
CsgAccessMode |
Java class to represent the CsgAccessMode enumerated type.
CsgMembershipIndication |
Java class to represent the CsgMembershipIndication enumerated type.
CurrentTariff |
Defines an interface representing the Current-Tariff grouped AVP type.
DcdInformation |
Defines an interface representing the DCD-Information grouped AVP type.
DeliveryReportRequested |
Java class to represent the DeliveryReportRequested enumerated type.
DestinationInterface |
Defines an interface representing the Destination-Interface grouped AVP type.
DrmContent |
Java class to represent the DrmContent enumerated type.
DynamicAddressFlag |
Java class to represent the DynamicAddressFlag enumerated type.
DynamicAddressFlagExtension |
Java class to represent the DynamicAddressFlagExtension enumerated type.
EarlyMediaDescription |
Defines an interface representing the Early-Media-Description grouped AVP type.
Envelope |
Defines an interface representing the Envelope grouped AVP type.
EnvelopeReporting |
Java class to represent the EnvelopeReporting enumerated type.
EventType |
Defines an interface representing the Event-Type grouped AVP type.
FileRepairSupported |
Java class to represent the FileRepairSupported enumerated type.
FixedUserLocationInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Fixed-User-Location-Info grouped AVP type.
Flows |
Defines an interface representing the Flows grouped AVP type.
ForwardingPending |
Java class to represent the ForwardingPending enumerated type.
ImInformation |
Defines an interface representing the IM-Information grouped AVP type.
ImsEmergencyIndicator |
Java class to represent the ImsEmergencyIndicator enumerated type.
ImsInformation |
Defines an interface representing the IMS-Information grouped AVP type.
ImsiUnauthenticatedFlag |
Java class to represent the ImsiUnauthenticatedFlag enumerated type.
IncrementalCost |
Defines an interface representing the Incremental-Cost grouped AVP type.
InterfaceType |
Java class to represent the InterfaceType enumerated type.
InterOperatorIdentifier |
Defines an interface representing the Inter-Operator-Identifier grouped AVP type.
IpCanType |
Java class to represent the IpCanType enumerated type.
IpRealmDefaultIndication |
Java class to represent the IpRealmDefaultIndication enumerated type.
IsupCause |
Defines an interface representing the ISUP-Cause grouped AVP type.
LcsClientId |
Defines an interface representing the LCS-Client-Id grouped AVP type.
LcsClientName |
Defines an interface representing the LCS-Client-Name grouped AVP type.
LcsClientType |
Java class to represent the LcsClientType enumerated type.
LcsFormatIndicator |
Java class to represent the LcsFormatIndicator enumerated type.
LcsInformation |
Defines an interface representing the LCS-Information grouped AVP type.
LcsRequestorId |
Defines an interface representing the LCS-Requestor-ID grouped AVP type.
LocalGwInsertedIndication |
Java class to represent the LocalGwInsertedIndication enumerated type.
LocationEstimateType |
Java class to represent the LocationEstimateType enumerated type.
LocationInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Location-Info grouped AVP type.
LocationType |
Defines an interface representing the Location-Type grouped AVP type.
LowBalanceIndication |
Java class to represent the LowBalanceIndication enumerated type.
LowPriorityIndicator |
Java class to represent the LowPriorityIndicator enumerated type.
MbmsChargedParty |
Java class to represent the MbmsChargedParty enumerated type.
MbmsInformation |
Defines an interface representing the MBMS-Information grouped AVP type.
MbmsUserServiceType |
Java class to represent the MbmsUserServiceType enumerated type.
MediaInitiatorFlag |
Java class to represent the MediaInitiatorFlag enumerated type.
MessageBody |
Defines an interface representing the Message-Body grouped AVP type.
MessageClass |
Defines an interface representing the Message-Class grouped AVP type.
MessageType |
Java class to represent the MessageType enumerated type.
MmboxStorageRequested |
Java class to represent the MmboxStorageRequested enumerated type.
MmContentType |
Defines an interface representing the MM-Content-Type grouped AVP type.
MmsInformation |
Defines an interface representing the MMS-Information grouped AVP type.
MmtelInformation |
Defines an interface representing the MMTel-Information grouped AVP type.
MultipleServicesCreditControl |
Defines an interface representing the Multiple-Services-Credit-Control grouped AVP type.
NextTariff |
Defines an interface representing the Next-Tariff grouped AVP type.
NniInformation |
Defines an interface representing the NNI-Information grouped AVP type.
NniType |
Java class to represent the NniType enumerated type.
NodeFunctionality |
Java class to represent the NodeFunctionality enumerated type.
OfflineCharging |
Defines an interface representing the Offline-Charging grouped AVP type.
OnlineChargingFlag |
Java class to represent the OnlineChargingFlag enumerated type.
Originator |
Java class to represent the Originator enumerated type.
OriginatorAddress |
Defines an interface representing the Originator-Address grouped AVP type.
OriginatorInterface |
Defines an interface representing the Originator-Interface grouped AVP type.
OriginatorReceivedAddress |
Defines an interface representing the Originator-Received-Address grouped AVP type.
ParticipantAccessPriority |
Java class to represent the ParticipantAccessPriority enumerated type.
ParticipantActionType |
Java class to represent the ParticipantActionType enumerated type.
ParticipantGroup |
Defines an interface representing the Participant-Group grouped AVP type.
PdpContextType |
Java class to represent the PdpContextType enumerated type.
PocChangeCondition |
Java class to represent the PocChangeCondition enumerated type.
PocEventType |
Java class to represent the PocEventType enumerated type.
PocInformation |
Defines an interface representing the PoC-Information grouped AVP type.
PocServerRole |
Java class to represent the PocServerRole enumerated type.
PocSessionInitiationType |
Java class to represent the PocSessionInitiationType enumerated type.
PocSessionType |
Java class to represent the PocSessionType enumerated type.
PocUserRole |
Defines an interface representing the PoC-User-Role grouped AVP type.
PocUserRoleInfoUnits |
Java class to represent the PocUserRoleInfoUnits enumerated type.
PreEmptionCapability |
Java class to represent the PreEmptionCapability enumerated type.
PreEmptionVulnerability |
Java class to represent the PreEmptionVulnerability enumerated type.
PresenceReportingAreaInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Presence-Reporting-Area-Information grouped AVP type.
Priority |
Java class to represent the Priority enumerated type.
PriorityIndication |
Java class to represent the PriorityIndication enumerated type.
ProseDirectCommunicationReceptionDataContainer |
Defines an interface representing the ProSe-Direct-Communication-Reception-Data-Container grouped AVP type.
ProseDirectCommunicationTransmissionDataContainer |
Defines an interface representing the ProSe-Direct-Communication-Transmission-Data-Container grouped AVP type.
ProseDirectDiscoveryModel |
Java class to represent the ProseDirectDiscoveryModel enumerated type.
ProseEventType |
Java class to represent the ProseEventType enumerated type.
ProseFunctionality |
Java class to represent the ProseFunctionality enumerated type.
ProseInformation |
Defines an interface representing the ProSe-Information grouped AVP type.
ProseRangeClass |
Java class to represent the ProseRangeClass enumerated type.
ProseReasonForCancellation |
Java class to represent the ProseReasonForCancellation enumerated type.
ProseRoleOfUe |
Java class to represent the ProseRoleOfUe enumerated type.
ProximityAlertIndication |
Java class to represent the ProximityAlertIndication enumerated type.
PsAppendFreeFormatData |
Java class to represent the PsAppendFreeFormatData enumerated type.
PsFurnishChargingInformation |
Defines an interface representing the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information grouped AVP type.
PsInformation |
Defines an interface representing the PS-Information grouped AVP type.
QosClassIdentifier |
Java class to represent the QosClassIdentifier enumerated type.
QosInformation |
Defines an interface representing the QoS-Information grouped AVP type.
RadioParameterSetInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Radio-Parameter-Set-Info grouped AVP type.
RateElement |
Defines an interface representing the Rate-Element grouped AVP type.
RatType |
Java class to represent the RatType enumerated type.
ReadReplyReportRequested |
Java class to represent the ReadReplyReportRequested enumerated type.
RealTimeTariffInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Real-Time-Tariff-Information grouped AVP type.
RecipientAddress |
Defines an interface representing the Recipient-Address grouped AVP type.
RecipientInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Recipient-Info grouped AVP type.
RecipientReceivedAddress |
Defines an interface representing the Recipient-Received-Address grouped AVP type.
RelationshipMode |
Java class to represent the RelationshipMode enumerated type.
ReplyPathRequested |
Java class to represent the ReplyPathRequested enumerated type.
ReportingReason |
Java class to represent the ReportingReason enumerated type.
RoleOfNode |
Java class to represent the RoleOfNode enumerated type.
RoleOfProseFunction |
Java class to represent the RoleOfProseFunction enumerated type.
ScaleFactor |
Defines an interface representing the Scale-Factor grouped AVP type.
SdpMediaComponent |
Defines an interface representing the SDP-Media-Component grouped AVP type.
SdpTimestamps |
Defines an interface representing the SDP-TimeStamps grouped AVP type.
SdpType |
Java class to represent the SdpType enumerated type.
ServerCapabilities |
Defines an interface representing the Server-Capabilities grouped AVP type.
ServiceDataContainer |
Defines an interface representing the Service-Data-Container grouped AVP type.
ServiceGenericInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Service-Generic-Information grouped AVP type.
ServiceInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Service-Information grouped AVP type.
ServiceSpecificInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Service-Specific-Info grouped AVP type.
ServingNode |
Defines an interface representing the Serving-Node grouped AVP type.
ServingNodeType |
Java class to represent the ServingNodeType enumerated type.
SessionDirection |
Java class to represent the SessionDirection enumerated type.
SessionPriority |
Java class to represent the SessionPriority enumerated type.
SgwChange |
Java class to represent the SgwChange enumerated type.
SmDeviceTriggerIndicator |
Java class to represent the SmDeviceTriggerIndicator enumerated type.
SmDeviceTriggerInformation |
Defines an interface representing the SM-Device-Trigger-Information grouped AVP type.
SmMessageType |
Java class to represent the SmMessageType enumerated type.
SmServiceType |
Java class to represent the SmServiceType enumerated type.
SmsInformation |
Defines an interface representing the SMS-Information grouped AVP type.
SmsNode |
Java class to represent the SmsNode enumerated type.
Status |
Java class to represent the Status enumerated type.
SubscriberRole |
Java class to represent the SubscriberRole enumerated type.
SupplementaryService |
Defines an interface representing the Supplementary-Service grouped AVP type.
TadIdentifier |
Java class to represent the TadIdentifier enumerated type.
TalkBurstExchange |
Defines an interface representing the Talk-Burst-Exchange grouped AVP type.
TariffInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Tariff-Information grouped AVP type.
TerminalInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Terminal-Information grouped AVP type.
TimeQuotaMechanism |
Defines an interface representing the Time-Quota-Mechanism grouped AVP type.
TimeQuotaType |
Java class to represent the TimeQuotaType enumerated type.
TimeStamps |
Defines an interface representing the Time-Stamps grouped AVP type.
TrafficDataVolumes |
Defines an interface representing the Traffic-Data-Volumes grouped AVP type.
TranscoderInsertedIndication |
Java class to represent the TranscoderInsertedIndication enumerated type.
TransmitterInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Transmitter-Info grouped AVP type.
Trigger |
Defines an interface representing the Trigger grouped AVP type.
TriggerType |
Java class to represent the TriggerType enumerated type.
TrunkGroupId |
Defines an interface representing the Trunk-Group-ID grouped AVP type.
TwanUserLocationInfo |
Defines an interface representing the TWAN-User-Location-Info grouped AVP type.
TypeNumber |
Java class to represent the TypeNumber enumerated type.
UnitCost |
Defines an interface representing the Unit-Cost grouped AVP type.
UserCsgInformation |
Defines an interface representing the User-CSG-Information grouped AVP type.
UserParticipatingType |
Java class to represent the UserParticipatingType enumerated type.
VcsInformation |
Defines an interface representing the VCS-Information grouped AVP type.