Interface PocInformation

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Cloneable, DiameterAvp, GroupedAvp

    public interface PocInformation
    extends GroupedAvp
    Defines an interface representing the PoC-Information grouped AVP type. From the Diameter Rf Reference Point Protocol Details (3GPP TS 32.299 V12.11.0) specification:
     7.2.144     PoC-Information AVP
     The PoC-Information AVP (AVP code 879) is of type Grouped. Its purpose is
     to allow the transmission of additional PoC service specific information
     It has the following ABNF grammar:
         PoC-Information ::= < AVP Header: 879>
                             [ PoC-Server-Role ]
                             [ PoC-Session-Type ]
                             [ PoC-User-Role ]
                             [ PoC-Session-Initiation-Type ]
                             [ PoC-Event-Type ]
                             [ Number-Of-Participants ]
                           * [ Participants-Involved ]
                           * [ Participant-Group ]
                           * [ Talk-Burst-Exchange ]
                             [ PoC-Controlling-Address ]
                             [ PoC-Group-Name ]
                             [ PoC-Session-Id ]
                             [ Charged-Party ]
     NOTE:   In the ABNF definition of PoC-Information AVP, the Participants-Involved AVP is kept only for backward compatibility with Releases before the 3GPP Release 7.
    The support for extension AVPs is present even thou the ABNF grammar for this AVP does not contain the "* [ AVP ]" line. Be aware that adding any extension AVPs may result in interoperability problems with products that strongly validate the incoming diameter message for it's adherence to the specification.
    • Method Detail

      • hasPocServerRole

        boolean hasPocServerRole()
        Returns true if the PoC-Server-Role AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocServerRole

        PocServerRole getPocServerRole()
        Returns the value of the PoC-Server-Role AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the PoC-Server-Role AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocServerRole

        void setPocServerRole​(PocServerRole pocServerRole)
        Sets the value of the PoC-Server-Role AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if pocServerRole is null.
      • removePocServerRole

        void removePocServerRole()
        Removes the PoC-Server-Role AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-Server-Role AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasPocSessionType

        boolean hasPocSessionType()
        Returns true if the PoC-Session-Type AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocSessionType

        PocSessionType getPocSessionType()
        Returns the value of the PoC-Session-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the PoC-Session-Type AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocSessionType

        void setPocSessionType​(PocSessionType pocSessionType)
        Sets the value of the PoC-Session-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if pocSessionType is null.
      • removePocSessionType

        void removePocSessionType()
        Removes the PoC-Session-Type AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-Session-Type AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasPocUserRole

        boolean hasPocUserRole()
        Returns true if the PoC-User-Role AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocUserRole

        PocUserRole getPocUserRole()
        Returns the value of the PoC-User-Role AVP, of type Grouped.
        the value of the PoC-User-Role AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocUserRole

        void setPocUserRole​(PocUserRole pocUserRole)
        Sets the value of the PoC-User-Role AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if pocUserRole is null.
      • removePocUserRole

        void removePocUserRole()
        Removes the PoC-User-Role AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-User-Role AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasPocSessionInitiationType

        boolean hasPocSessionInitiationType()
        Returns true if the PoC-Session-Initiation-Type AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocSessionInitiationType

        PocSessionInitiationType getPocSessionInitiationType()
        Returns the value of the PoC-Session-Initiation-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the PoC-Session-Initiation-Type AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocSessionInitiationType

        void setPocSessionInitiationType​(PocSessionInitiationType pocSessionInitiationType)
        Sets the value of the PoC-Session-Initiation-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if pocSessionInitiationType is null.
      • removePocSessionInitiationType

        void removePocSessionInitiationType()
        Removes the PoC-Session-Initiation-Type AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-Session-Initiation-Type AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasPocEventType

        boolean hasPocEventType()
        Returns true if the PoC-Event-Type AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocEventType

        PocEventType getPocEventType()
        Returns the value of the PoC-Event-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        the value of the PoC-Event-Type AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocEventType

        void setPocEventType​(PocEventType pocEventType)
        Sets the value of the PoC-Event-Type AVP, of type Enumerated.
        NullPointerException - if pocEventType is null.
      • removePocEventType

        void removePocEventType()
        Removes the PoC-Event-Type AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-Event-Type AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasNumberOfParticipants

        boolean hasNumberOfParticipants()
        Returns true if the Number-Of-Participants AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getNumberOfParticipants

        long getNumberOfParticipants()
        Returns the value of the Number-Of-Participants AVP, of type Unsigned32. Use hasNumberOfParticipants() to check the existence of this AVP.
        the value of the Number-Of-Participants AVP
        IllegalStateException - if the Number-Of-Participants AVP has not been set.
      • setNumberOfParticipants

        void setNumberOfParticipants​(long numberOfParticipants)
        Sets the value of the Number-Of-Participants AVP, of type Unsigned32.
      • removeNumberOfParticipants

        void removeNumberOfParticipants()
        Removes the Number-Of-Participants AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the Number-Of-Participants AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getParticipantsInvolveds

        String[] getParticipantsInvolveds()
        Returns the set of Participants-Involved AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the PoC-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Participants-Involved AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are String objects.
      • setParticipantsInvolved

        void setParticipantsInvolved​(String participantsInvolved)
        Sets a single Participants-Involved AVP in the PoC-Information AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if participantsInvolved is null.
      • setParticipantsInvolveds

        void setParticipantsInvolveds​(String[] participantsInvolveds)
        Sets the set of Participants-Involved AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the PoC-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getParticipantsInvolveds() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if participantsInvolveds is null.
      • removeParticipantsInvolveds

        void removeParticipantsInvolveds()
        Removes all Participants-Involved AVPs from the PoC-Information AVP. If no Participants-Involved AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • getParticipantGroups

        ParticipantGroup[] getParticipantGroups()
        Returns the set of Participant-Group AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the PoC-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Participant-Group AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are ParticipantGroup objects.
      • setParticipantGroup

        void setParticipantGroup​(ParticipantGroup participantGroup)
        Sets a single Participant-Group AVP in the PoC-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if participantGroup is null.
      • setParticipantGroups

        void setParticipantGroups​(ParticipantGroup[] participantGroups)
        Sets the set of Participant-Group AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the PoC-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getParticipantGroups() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if participantGroups is null.
      • removeParticipantGroups

        void removeParticipantGroups()
        Removes all Participant-Group AVPs from the PoC-Information AVP. If no Participant-Group AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • getTalkBurstExchanges

        TalkBurstExchange[] getTalkBurstExchanges()
        Returns the set of Talk-Burst-Exchange AVPs. The returned array contains the AVPs in the order they appear in the PoC-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no Talk-Burst-Exchange AVPs have been set. The elements in the given array are TalkBurstExchange objects.
      • setTalkBurstExchange

        void setTalkBurstExchange​(TalkBurstExchange talkBurstExchange)
        Sets a single Talk-Burst-Exchange AVP in the PoC-Information AVP, of type Grouped.
        NullPointerException - if talkBurstExchange is null.
      • setTalkBurstExchanges

        void setTalkBurstExchanges​(TalkBurstExchange[] talkBurstExchanges)
        Sets the set of Talk-Burst-Exchange AVPs, with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to the PoC-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getTalkBurstExchanges() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        NullPointerException - if talkBurstExchanges is null.
      • removeTalkBurstExchanges

        void removeTalkBurstExchanges()
        Removes all Talk-Burst-Exchange AVPs from the PoC-Information AVP. If no Talk-Burst-Exchange AVPs are present, this method returns silently.
      • hasPocControllingAddress

        boolean hasPocControllingAddress()
        Returns true if the PoC-Controlling-Address AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocControllingAddress

        String getPocControllingAddress()
        Returns the value of the PoC-Controlling-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the PoC-Controlling-Address AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocControllingAddress

        void setPocControllingAddress​(String pocControllingAddress)
        Sets the value of the PoC-Controlling-Address AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if pocControllingAddress is null.
      • removePocControllingAddress

        void removePocControllingAddress()
        Removes the PoC-Controlling-Address AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-Controlling-Address AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasPocGroupName

        boolean hasPocGroupName()
        Returns true if the PoC-Group-Name AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocGroupName

        String getPocGroupName()
        Returns the value of the PoC-Group-Name AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the PoC-Group-Name AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocGroupName

        void setPocGroupName​(String pocGroupName)
        Sets the value of the PoC-Group-Name AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if pocGroupName is null.
      • removePocGroupName

        void removePocGroupName()
        Removes the PoC-Group-Name AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-Group-Name AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasPocSessionId

        boolean hasPocSessionId()
        Returns true if the PoC-Session-Id AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getPocSessionId

        String getPocSessionId()
        Returns the value of the PoC-Session-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the PoC-Session-Id AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setPocSessionId

        void setPocSessionId​(String pocSessionId)
        Sets the value of the PoC-Session-Id AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if pocSessionId is null.
      • removePocSessionId

        void removePocSessionId()
        Removes the PoC-Session-Id AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the PoC-Session-Id AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • hasChargedParty

        boolean hasChargedParty()
        Returns true if the Charged-Party AVP is present in the PoC-Information AVP.
      • getChargedParty

        String getChargedParty()
        Returns the value of the Charged-Party AVP, of type UTF8String.
        the value of the Charged-Party AVP, or null if it has not been set.
      • setChargedParty

        void setChargedParty​(String chargedParty)
        Sets the value of the Charged-Party AVP, of type UTF8String.
        NullPointerException - if chargedParty is null.
      • removeChargedParty

        void removeChargedParty()
        Removes the Charged-Party AVP from the PoC-Information AVP. If the Charged-Party AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
      • getExtensionAvps

        DiameterAvp[] getExtensionAvps()
        Returns the set of extension AVPs. The returned array contains the extension AVPs in the order they appear in the PoC-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no extensions AVPs have been set.
      • setExtensionAvps

        void setExtensionAvps​(DiameterAvp[] avps)
                       throws AvpNotAllowedException
        Sets the set of extension AVPs with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to PoC-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getExtensionAvps() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.
        AvpNotAllowedException - if an AVP is encountered of a type already known to this class (i.e. an AVP for which get/set methods already appear in this class)
        NullPointerException - if avps is null.
      • removeExtensionAvps

        void removeExtensionAvps()
        Removes all extension AVPs from the PoC-Information AVP. If no extension AVPs are present, this method returns silently.