Interface PsFurnishChargingInformation
- All Superinterfaces:
public interface PsFurnishChargingInformation extends GroupedAvp
Defines an interface representing the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information grouped AVP type. From the Diameter Rf Reference Point Protocol Details (3GPP TS 32.299 V7.1.0) specification:7.2.86 PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP The PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP (AVP code 865) is of type Grouped. Its purpose is to add online charging session specific information, received via the Ro reference point, onto the Rf reference point in order to facilitate its inclusion in CDRs. This information element may be received in a CCA message via the Ro reference point. In situations where online and offline charging are active in parallel, the information element is transparently copied into an ACR to be sent on the Rf reference point. It has the following ABNF grammar: PS-Furnish-Charging-Information ::= < AVP Header: 865> { TGPP-Charging-Id } { PS-Free-Format-Data } [ PS-Append-Free-Format-Data ]
The support for extension AVPs is present even thou the ABNF grammar for this AVP does not contain the "* [ AVP ]" line. Be aware that adding any extension AVPs may result in interoperability problems with products that strongly validate the incoming diameter message for it's adherence to the specification.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.jainslee.resources.diameter.base.DiameterAvp
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description DiameterAvp[]
Returns the set of extension AVPs.PsAppendFreeFormatData
Returns the value of the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type Enumerated.byte[]
Returns the value of the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type OctetString.byte[]
Returns the value of the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP, of type OctetString.boolean
Returns true if the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP is present in the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.boolean
Returns true if the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP is present in the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.boolean
Returns true if the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP is present in the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.void
Removes all extension AVPs from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.void
Removes the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.void
Removes the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.void
Removes the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.void
setExtensionAvps(DiameterAvp[] avps)
Sets the set of extension AVPs with all the values in the given array.void
setPsAppendFreeFormatData(PsAppendFreeFormatData psAppendFreeFormatData)
Sets the value of the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type Enumerated.void
setPsFreeFormatData(byte[] psFreeFormatData)
Sets the value of the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type OctetString.void
setTgppChargingId(byte[] tgppChargingId)
Sets the value of the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP, of type OctetString.-
Methods inherited from interface org.jainslee.resources.diameter.base.DiameterAvp
byteArrayValue, clone, doubleValue, floatValue, getCode, getMandatoryRule, getName, getProtectedRule, getType, getVendorID, groupedAvpValue, intValue, longValue, stringValue
Method Detail
boolean hasTgppChargingId()
Returns true if the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP is present in the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.
byte[] getTgppChargingId()
Returns the value of the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP, of type OctetString.- Returns:
- the value of the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP, or null if it has not been set.
void setTgppChargingId(byte[] tgppChargingId)
Sets the value of the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP, of type OctetString.- Throws:
- iftgppChargingId
void removeTgppChargingId()
Removes the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP. If the TGPP-Charging-Id AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
boolean hasPsFreeFormatData()
Returns true if the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP is present in the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.
byte[] getPsFreeFormatData()
Returns the value of the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type OctetString.- Returns:
- the value of the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP, or null if it has not been set.
void setPsFreeFormatData(byte[] psFreeFormatData)
Sets the value of the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type OctetString.- Throws:
- ifpsFreeFormatData
void removePsFreeFormatData()
Removes the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP. If the PS-Free-Format-Data AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
boolean hasPsAppendFreeFormatData()
Returns true if the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP is present in the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP.
PsAppendFreeFormatData getPsAppendFreeFormatData()
Returns the value of the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type Enumerated.- Returns:
- the value of the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP, or null if it has not been set.
void setPsAppendFreeFormatData(PsAppendFreeFormatData psAppendFreeFormatData)
Sets the value of the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP, of type Enumerated.- Throws:
- ifpsAppendFreeFormatData
void removePsAppendFreeFormatData()
Removes the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP. If the PS-Append-Free-Format-Data AVP is not present, this method returns silently.
DiameterAvp[] getExtensionAvps()
Returns the set of extension AVPs. The returned array contains the extension AVPs in the order they appear in the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP. A return value of null implies that no extensions AVPs have been set.
void setExtensionAvps(DiameterAvp[] avps) throws AvpNotAllowedException
Sets the set of extension AVPs with all the values in the given array. The AVPs will be added to PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP in the order in which they appear in the array. Note: the array must not be altered by the caller following this call, and getExtensionAvps() is not guaranteed to return the same array instance, e.g. an "==" check would fail.- Throws:
- if an AVP is encountered of a type already known to this class (i.e. an AVP for which get/set methods already appear in this class)NullPointerException
- ifavps
void removeExtensionAvps()
Removes all extension AVPs from the PS-Furnish-Charging-Information AVP. If no extension AVPs are present, this method returns silently.