AccessNetworkChargingIdentifierGx |
Defines an interface representing the Access-Network-Charging-Identifier-Gx grouped AVP type.
AfSignallingProtocol |
Java class to represent the AfSignallingProtocol enumerated type.
AllocationRetentionPriority |
Defines an interface representing the Allocation-Retention-Priority grouped AVP type.
AnGwStatus |
Java class to represent the AnGwStatus enumerated type.
AnTrusted |
Java class to represent the AnTrusted enumerated type.
ApplicationDetectionInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Application-Detection-Information grouped AVP type.
AreaScope |
Defines an interface representing the Area-Scope grouped AVP type.
BearerControlMode |
Java class to represent the BearerControlMode enumerated type.
BearerOperation |
Java class to represent the BearerOperation enumerated type.
BearerUsage |
Java class to represent the BearerUsage enumerated type.
ChargingCorrelationIndicator |
Java class to represent the ChargingCorrelationIndicator enumerated type.
ChargingInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Charging-Information grouped AVP type.
ChargingRuleDefinition |
Defines an interface representing the Charging-Rule-Definition grouped AVP type.
ChargingRuleInstall |
Defines an interface representing the Charging-Rule-Install grouped AVP type.
ChargingRuleRemove |
Defines an interface representing the Charging-Rule-Remove grouped AVP type.
ChargingRuleReport |
Defines an interface representing the Charging-Rule-Report grouped AVP type.
CoaInformation |
Defines an interface representing the CoA-Information grouped AVP type.
CollectionPeriodRrmLte |
Java class to represent the CollectionPeriodRrmLte enumerated type.
CollectionPeriodRrmUmts |
Java class to represent the CollectionPeriodRrmUmts enumerated type.
CsgAccessMode |
Java class to represent the CsgAccessMode enumerated type.
CSGAccessMode |
Java class to represent the CSGAccessMode enumerated type.
CsgInformationReporting |
Java class to represent the CsgInformationReporting enumerated type.
CsgMembershipIndication |
Java class to represent the CsgMembershipIndication enumerated type.
CSGMembershipIndication |
Java class to represent the CSGMembershipIndication enumerated type.
DefaultEpsBearerQos |
Defines an interface representing the Default-EPS-Bearer-QoS grouped AVP type.
DefaultQosInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Default-QoS-Information grouped AVP type.
DynamicAddressFlag |
Java class to represent the DynamicAddressFlag enumerated type.
DynamicAddressFlagExtension |
Java class to represent the DynamicAddressFlagExtension enumerated type.
EventReportIndication |
Defines an interface representing the Event-Report-Indication grouped AVP type.
EventTrigger |
Java class to represent the EventTrigger enumerated type.
FinalUnitAction |
Java class to represent the FinalUnitAction enumerated type.
FixedUserLocationInfo |
Defines an interface representing the Fixed-User-Location-Info grouped AVP type.
FlowDirection |
Java class to represent the FlowDirection enumerated type.
FlowInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Flow-Information grouped AVP type.
Flows |
Defines an interface representing the Flows grouped AVP type.
FlowStatus |
Java class to represent the FlowStatus enumerated type.
IpCanSessionChargingScope |
Java class to represent the IpCanSessionChargingScope enumerated type.
IpCanType |
Java class to represent the IpCanType enumerated type.
JobType |
Java class to represent the JobType enumerated type.
LoggingDuration |
Java class to represent the LoggingDuration enumerated type.
LoggingInterval |
Java class to represent the LoggingInterval enumerated type.
MdtConfiguration |
Defines an interface representing the MDT-Configuration grouped AVP type.
MeasurementPeriodLte |
Java class to represent the MeasurementPeriodLte enumerated type.
MeasurementPeriodUmts |
Java class to represent the MeasurementPeriodUmts enumerated type.
MeteringMethod |
Java class to represent the MeteringMethod enumerated type.
MuteNotification |
Java class to represent the MuteNotification enumerated type.
NetworkRequestSupport |
Java class to represent the NetworkRequestSupport enumerated type.
OcOlr |
Defines an interface representing the OC-OLR grouped AVP type.
OcReportType |
Java class to represent the OcReportType enumerated type.
OcSupportedFeatures |
Defines an interface representing the OC-Supported-Features grouped AVP type.
Offline |
Java class to represent the Offline enumerated type.
Online |
Java class to represent the Online enumerated type.
PacketFilterInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Packet-Filter-Information grouped AVP type.
PacketFilterOperation |
Java class to represent the PacketFilterOperation enumerated type.
PacketFilterUsage |
Java class to represent the PacketFilterUsage enumerated type.
PccRuleStatus |
Java class to represent the PccRuleStatus enumerated type.
PreEmptionCapability |
Java class to represent the PreEmptionCapability enumerated type.
PreEmptionVulnerability |
Java class to represent the PreEmptionVulnerability enumerated type.
PresenceReportingAreaInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Presence-Reporting-Area-Information grouped AVP type.
PsToCsSessionContinuity |
Java class to represent the PsToCsSessionContinuity enumerated type.
QosClassIdentifier |
Java class to represent the QosClassIdentifier enumerated type.
QosInformation |
Defines an interface representing the QoS-Information grouped AVP type.
QosNegotiation |
Java class to represent the QosNegotiation enumerated type.
QosUpgrade |
Java class to represent the QosUpgrade enumerated type.
RatType |
Java class to represent the RatType enumerated type.
RedirectAddressType |
Java class to represent the RedirectAddressType enumerated type.
RedirectInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Redirect-Information grouped AVP type.
RedirectSupport |
Java class to represent the RedirectSupport enumerated type.
ReportAmount |
Java class to represent the ReportAmount enumerated type.
ReportingLevel |
Java class to represent the ReportingLevel enumerated type.
ReportInterval |
Java class to represent the ReportInterval enumerated type.
RequiredAccessInfo |
Java class to represent the RequiredAccessInfo enumerated type.
ResourceAllocationNotification |
Java class to represent the ResourceAllocationNotification enumerated type.
RoutingFilter |
Defines an interface representing the Routing-Filter grouped AVP type.
RoutingRuleDefinition |
Defines an interface representing the Routing-Rule-Definition grouped AVP type.
RoutingRuleInstall |
Defines an interface representing the Routing-Rule-Install grouped AVP type.
RoutingRuleRemove |
Defines an interface representing the Routing-Rule-Remove grouped AVP type.
RuleFailureCode |
Java class to represent the RuleFailureCode enumerated type.
SessionReleaseCause |
Java class to represent the SessionReleaseCause enumerated type.
SupportedFeatures |
Defines an interface representing the Supported-Features grouped AVP type.
TdfInformation |
Defines an interface representing the TDF-Information grouped AVP type.
TftPacketFilterInformation |
Defines an interface representing the TFT-Packet-Filter-Information grouped AVP type.
TraceData |
Defines an interface representing the Trace-Data grouped AVP type.
TraceDepth |
Java class to represent the TraceDepth enumerated type.
TunnelInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Tunnel-Information grouped AVP type.
UsageMonitoringInformation |
Defines an interface representing the Usage-Monitoring-Information grouped AVP type.
UsageMonitoringLevel |
Java class to represent the UsageMonitoringLevel enumerated type.
UsageMonitoringReport |
Java class to represent the UsageMonitoringReport enumerated type.
UsageMonitoringSupport |
Java class to represent the UsageMonitoringSupport enumerated type.
UserCsgInformation |
Defines an interface representing the User-CSG-Information grouped AVP type.