Interface DiameterActivity

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface DiameterActivity
    Represents a session with a Diameter peer. DiameterMessages (both requests and responses) are received as events fired on DiameterActivity objects.
    Open Cloud
    • Method Detail

      • getDiameterMessageFactory

        DiameterMessageFactory getDiameterMessageFactory()
        Return a DiameterMessageFactory implementation to be used to create DiameterAvp instances to add when creating a DiameterMessage object to be fired on this Activity.
        a DiameterMessageFactory implementation
      • sendMessage

        void sendMessage​(DiameterMessage message)
                  throws SendException
        Sends the given DiameterMessage on the DiameterActivity. The response to the message (if any) will be fired on this activity.
        message - the Diameter message to send
      • getSessionId

        String getSessionId()
        Return the Session ID for this activity.
        the Session ID for this activity
      • getLastSendTime

        long getLastSendTime()
        Returns the timestamp for the last message sent on this activity, or 0 if no timestamp is available.
      • getLastReceiveTime

        long getLastReceiveTime()
        Returns the timestamp for the last message received on this activity, or 0 if no timestamp is available.