Class RedirectHostUsage

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Enumerated

    public class RedirectHostUsage
    extends Object
    implements Serializable, Enumerated
    Java class to represent the RedirectHostUsage enumerated type.

    Documentation from the relevant specification:

    The Redirect-Host-Usage AVP (AVP Code 261) is of type Enumerated. This AVP MAY be present in answer messages whose 'E' bit is set and the Result-Code AVP is set to DIAMETER_REDIRECT_INDICATION. When present, this AVP provides hints about how the routing entry resulting from the Redirect-Host is to be used. The following values are supported:

    Open Cloud
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • DONT_CACHE

        public static final RedirectHostUsage DONT_CACHE
        The host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP SHOULD NOT be cached. This is the default value.

        public static final RedirectHostUsage ALL_SESSION
        All messages within the same session, as defined by the same value of the Session-ID AVP SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.
      • ALL_REALM

        public static final RedirectHostUsage ALL_REALM
        All messages destined for the realm requested SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.

        public static final RedirectHostUsage REALM_AND_APPLICATION
        All messages for the application requested to the realm specified SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.

        public static final RedirectHostUsage ALL_APPLICATION
        All messages for the application requested SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.
      • ALL_HOST

        public static final RedirectHostUsage ALL_HOST
        All messages that would be sent to the host that generated the Redirect-Host SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP.
      • ALL_USER

        public static final RedirectHostUsage ALL_USER
        All messages for the user requested SHOULD be sent to the host specified in the Redirect-Host AVP. When multiple cached routes are created by redirect indications and they differ only in redirect usage and peers to forward requests to (see Section 6.1.8), a precedence rule MUST be applied to the redirect usage values of the cached routes during normal routing to resolve contentions that may occur. The precedence rule is the order that dictate which redirect usage should be considered before any other as they appear. The order is as follows: 1. ALL_SESSION 2. ALL_USER 3. REALM_AND_APPLICATION 4. ALL_REALM 5. ALL_APPLICATION 6. ALL_HOST
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public int getValue()
        Description copied from interface: Enumerated
        Return the value of this instance of this enumerated type.
        Specified by:
        getValue in interface Enumerated