Package com.opencloud.slee.resources.dbquery

The Database Query Resource Adaptor API.

Asynchronous queries

See the DatabaseQueryActivity documentation for details on how to send non-transactional asynchronous queries and DatabaseQueryTransactionalActivity for details on how to send transactional asynchronous queries.

Synchronous queries

See the DatabaseQueryProvider documentation for details on how to send a synchronous queries.

QueryInfo objects

The examples linked to above mention that the QueryInfo object should contain a copy of the values to set as parameters. Another way of stating this rule is that the QueryInfo object must not directly or indirectly reference fields or methods of an SBB.

The reason for this rule is that the QueryInfo object will be used by the resource adaptor at an unspecified time, when the SBB object may not exist, or may not represent the same SBB entity.

See the QueryInfo documentation for an implementation example.