Interface CorrelationIdPoolCMP

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

             description="Correlation Id Pool",
    public interface CorrelationIdPoolCMP
    Configuration parameters for a Correlation Id Pool

    Each pool supported by correlation RA is defined by a SLEE profile. The correlation RA reads the pool definitions on activation and builds a corresponding run-time representation.

    There are two possible (mutually exclusive) configuration options:

    1. A prescribed set of ids (per node).
    2. A range of ids (per node) defined by a [min, max] pair.
    • Method Detail

      • getAddressPrefixes

        String[] getAddressPrefixes()
        Get the address prefixes that identifies this correlation id pool. The default pool has an empty set of address prefixes.
        address prefixes that identify this correlation id pool (or null for the default id pool).
      • getCorrelationIDNumberOfDigits

        int getCorrelationIDNumberOfDigits()
        Get the number of digits the Correlation ID should have.
        the number of digits the Correlation ID should have.
      • getCorrelationIDRangePerNode

        int[] getCorrelationIDRangePerNode()
        Get the range of values used in each node in conjunction with the NodeIds attribute.

        The CorrelationIDRangePerNode array is mapped to the NodeIds array in the following way:

        The node whose identifier is NodeIds[i] has a range of values of CorrelationIDRangePerNode[i]. Each cluster has a range of CorrelationIDs defined by the attributes: [MinCorrelationIDInCluster,MaxCorrelationIDInCluster]

        These values must be split between the different nodes following the next rule:

        • NodeIds[0]: [MinCorrelationIDInCluster ... MinCorrelationIDInCluster + CorrelationIDRangePerNode[0]
        • NodeIds[1]: [MinCorrelationIDInCluster + CorrelationIDRangePerNode[0] + 1 ... MinCorrelationIDInCluster + CorrelationIDRangePerNode[0] + 1 + CorrelationIDRangePerNode[1]]
        • etc
        the number of values that each node in the cluster that can be used for the Correlation ID.
      • getIsPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSetUsed

        boolean getIsPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSetUsed()
        Check if the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs is to be used.
        true if the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs is to be used.
      • getMaxCorrelationIDInCluster

        long getMaxCorrelationIDInCluster()
        Get the maximum Correlation ID value used in the cluster.
        the maximum Correlation ID value.
      • getMinCorrelationIDInCluster

        long getMinCorrelationIDInCluster()
        Get the minimum Correlation ID value used in the cluster.
        the minimum Correlation ID value.
      • getNodeIds

        int[] getNodeIds()
        Get the array of nodeIds used in conjunction with the attribute CorrelationIDRangePerNode. Each position of both arrays are related. So the node in the position x has the range defined in the same position of the other array.
        an array with the nodeIds.
      • getPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSet

        String[] getPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSet()
        Get the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs per node (delimited with ":").
        the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs per node.
      • setAddressPrefixes

        void setAddressPrefixes​(String[] prefixes)
        Set the address prefixes that identifies this correlation id pool. The default pool has an empty set of address prefixes.
        prefixes - address prefixes that identify this correlation id pool (or null for the default id pool).
      • setCorrelationIDNumberOfDigits

        void setCorrelationIDNumberOfDigits​(int numberOfDigits)
        Set the number of digits the Correlation ID should have.
        numberOfDigits - the number of digits the Correlation ID should have.
      • setCorrelationIDRangePerNode

        void setCorrelationIDRangePerNode​(int[] range)
        Set the range of numbers that can use each node in the cluster.
        range - the range of numbers that can use each node in the cluster.
      • setIsPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSetUsed

        void setIsPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSetUsed​(boolean usePreconfigured)
        Set if the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs is to be used.
        usePreconfigured - is the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs to be used.
      • setMaxCorrelationIDInCluster

        void setMaxCorrelationIDInCluster​(long max)
        Set the maximum Correlation ID value used in the cluster.
        max - the maximum Correlation ID value.
      • setMinCorrelationIDInCluster

        void setMinCorrelationIDInCluster​(long min)
        Set the minimum Correlation ID value used in the cluster.
        min - the minimum Correlation ID value.
      • setNodeIds

        void setNodeIds​(int[] nodeIds)
        Set the array of nodeIds used in conjunction with the attribute CorrelationIDRangePerNode. Each position of both arrays are related. So the node in the position x has the range defined in the same position of the other array.
        nodeIds - the ids of all nodes that are using Correlation ID Range per node.
      • setPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSet

        void setPreconfiguredCorrelationIdSet​(String[] idSet)
        Set the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs per node (delimited with ":").
        idSet - the preconfigured set of Correlation IDs per node.