Interface CorrelationFailureEvent

  • @SleeEvent(id=@ComponentId(name="com.opencloud.slee.resources.correlation.CorrelationFailure",vendor="OpenCloud",version="1.1"))
    public interface CorrelationFailureEvent
    The failure event. This occurs when there was a problem retrieving the correlation data.
    • Method Detail

      • getCorrelationId

        String getCorrelationId()
        Returns the correlation id that this failure relates to.
        the associated correlation ID.
      • getErrorMessage

        String getErrorMessage()
        Returns a human-readable error message providing a reason for the failed correlation data query.
        a message describing the failure.
      • getCause

        Throwable getCause()
        The exception that caused the failure, if applicable.
        an exception cause if available, null if the failure was not caused by an exception.