Defines classes to represent some short message service (SMS) types for which their ASN.1 specifications say merely OCTET STRING, and for which standards define the layout of bit-fields within the octet strings.
Class Summary Class Description GSM7BitAlphabet Utilities for translating between Strings and values in the GSM 7-bit alphabet, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.038 section 6.2.1.GSM7BitPacking Utilities for packing and unpacking 7-bit values according to the rules for SMS/CBS and USSD.GSM7PACKEDStringCodec<T> Implements a StringCodec for the case of GSM7 characters encoded in packed 7-bit format.RPCause Class RPCause represents the cause of a relay protocol error.RPCause.CauseValue Cause value constants.SMSAddress Class SMSAddress encapsulates a SM-TL address field, which appears inside a SMSTPDU, hence it represents part of a larger octet string.SMSAddress.Nature Nature of Address indicator constants.SMSCommand Representation of a SMS-COMMAND TPDU.SMSDataCodingScheme Class SMSDataCodingScheme encapsulates a TP-DCS field, which appears inside a SMSTPDU, hence it represents part of a larger octet string.SMSDataCodingScheme.EncodedValue Representation of SMSDataCodingScheme values as NamedIntegers.SMSDataCodingScheme.GeneralScheme Class GeneralScheme represents the General Data and Auto Delete cases of a TP-DCS field.SMSDataCodingScheme.GeneralScheme.EncodedValue Representation of GeneralScheme values as NamedIntegers.SMSDataCodingScheme.MessageCodingScheme Class MessageCodingScheme represents the Message Coding case of a TP_DCS field.SMSDataCodingScheme.MessageCodingScheme.EncodedValue Representation of MessageCodingScheme values as NamedIntegers.SMSDataCodingScheme.MessageWaitingScheme Class MessageWaitingScheme represents the Message Waiting cases of a TP_DCS field.SMSDataCodingScheme.MessageWaitingScheme.EncodedValue Representation of MessageWaitingScheme values as NamedIntegers.SMSDeliver Representation of a SMS-DELIVER TPDU.SMSDeliverReport Representation of a SMS-DELIVER-REPORT TPDU.SMSDeliverReportAck Representation of a SMS-DELIVER-REPORT TPDU in a RP-ACK.SMSDeliverReportError Representation of a SMS-DELIVER-REPORT TPDU in a RP-ERROR.SMSFailureCause SMS TPDU Failure Cause (TP-FCS) constants.SMSProtocolId Class SMSProtocolId represents TP-PID protocol identifiers, which appear as one octet within SMSTPDUs.SMSProtocolId.ApplicationLayerProtocol Application Layer Protocol constants.SMSProtocolId.EncodedValue Representation of SMSProtocolId values as NamedIntegers.SMSProtocolId.ServiceCentreProtocol ServiceCentreProtocol constants.SMSProtocolId.TelematicDevice Telematic Device constants.SMSProtocolId.TransferLayerProtocol Transfer Layer Protocol constants.SMSReserved Representation of a SMS TPDU with an unsupported MTI/role combination.SMSStatusReport Representation of a SMS-STATUS-REPORT TPDU as defined in 3GPP TS 23.040 V9.0.0 (2009-06).SMSSubmit Representation of a SMS-SUBMIT TPDU.SMSSubmit.ValidityPeriod Representation of a ValidityPeriod.SMSSubmit.ValidityPeriod.EnhancedValidityPeriod Representation of an EnhancedValidityPeriod.SMSSubmit.ValidityPeriod.EnhancedValidityPeriod.EnhancedDuration Representation of an EnhancedDuration.SMSSubmitReport Representation of a SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT TPDU.SMSSubmitReportAck Representation of a SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT TPDU in a RP-ACK.SMSSubmitReportError Representation of a SMS-SUBMIT-REPORT TPDU in a RP-ERROR, as defined in 3GPP TS 23.040 V9.0.0 (2009-06).SMSTimeStamp Class SMSTimeStamp represents timestamps such as in TP-SCTS and TP-VP fields, which appear inside SMSTPDUs, hence it represents part of a larger octet string.SMSTPDU Representation of a SMS-TPDU as defined in 3GPP TS 23.040 V9.0.0 (2009-06).SMSTPDUWithData Superclass handling common methods for dealing with user data: ProtocolId (TP-PID), UserData (TP-UD), UserDataLength (TP-UDL), UserDataHeaderIndicator (TP-UDHI), and DataCodingScheme (TP-DCS). -
Enum Summary Enum Description SMSAddress.NumberingPlan Enumeration of Numbering Plan indicator constants.SMSCommand.StatusReportRequest Enumeration of Status Report Request constants.SMSCommand.UserDataHeaderIndicator Enumeration of User Data Header Indicator constants.SMSDataCodingScheme.Choice Enumeration of discriminating values.SMSDataCodingScheme.GeneralScheme.CharacterSet Enumeration of Character Set constants.SMSDataCodingScheme.MessageClass Enumeration of Message Class constants.SMSDataCodingScheme.MessageCodingScheme.MessageCoding Enumeration of Message Coding constants.SMSDataCodingScheme.MessageWaitingScheme.IndicationType Enumeration of Indication Type constants.SMSDeliver.MoreMessagesToSend Enumeration of More Messages To Send constants.SMSDeliver.ReplyPath Enumeration of Reply Path constants.SMSDeliver.StatusReportIndication Enumeration of Status Report Indication constants.SMSProtocolId.Choice Enumeration of discriminating values.SMSStatusReport.MoreMessagesToSend Enumeration of More Messages To Send constants.SMSSubmit.ReplyPath Enumeration of Reply Path constants.SMSSubmit.StatusReportRequest Enumeration of Status Report Request constants.SMSSubmit.ValidityPeriod.Choice Enumeration of discriminating values.SMSTPDU.Type Enumeration of PDU types.SMSTPDUWithData.UserDataHeaderIndicator Enumeration of User Data Header Indicator constants.