Defines classes to represent Network Service Access Point (NSAP) types for which their ASN.1 specifications say merely OCTET STRING, and for which standards define the layout of bit-fields within the octet strings.
Class Summary Class Description AuthorityAndFormatIds Class AuthorityAndFormatIds represents the known Authority and Format Identifiers (AFIs) that can be used in Network Service Access Point (NSAP) addresses.NSAPAddress Class NSAPAddress encapsulates a Network Service Access Point (NSAP) Address. -
Enum Summary Enum Description DSPCodec Enum DSPCodec indicates which StringCodec should be used in the DSP for a corresponding AFI. -
Exception Summary Exception Description AFIAlreadyPutException Exception AFIAlreadyPutException is thrown if an attempt is made to put properties for an AFI for which properties have already been put.AFIUnknownException Exception AFIUnknownException is thrown if an attempt is made to get a property of an AFI for which properties are not known.