MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.clearE_utran() |
Clears the bit for e_utran to false.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.clearGan() |
Clears the bit for gan to false.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.clearGeran() |
Clears the bit for geran to false.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.clearI_hspa_evolution() |
Clears the bit for i_hspa_evolution to false.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.clearUtran() |
Clears the bit for utran to false.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.clone() |
Constructs a copy of this object and everything reachable from it.
static MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.copyOf(BitString from) |
Creates a new object of this type, cloning the values of common fields from the given object of any subclass of the same base type.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSGSN_Capability.getSupportedRAT_TypesIndicator() |
Gets the value of the field supportedRAT-TypesIndicator.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPVLR_Capability.getSupportedRAT_TypesIndicator() |
Gets the value of the field supportedRAT-TypesIndicator.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.setE_utran() |
Sets the bit for e_utran to true.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.setGan() |
Sets the bit for gan to true.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.setGeran() |
Sets the bit for geran to true.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.setI_hspa_evolution() |
Sets the bit for i_hspa_evolution to true.
MAPSupportedRAT_Types |
MAPSupportedRAT_Types.setUtran() |
Sets the bit for utran to true.