MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.clone() |
Constructs a copy of this object and everything reachable from it.
static MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.copyOf(MAPSendRoutingInfoArg from) |
Creates a new object of this type, cloning the values of common fields from the given object of any subclass of the same base type.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setAdditionalSignalInfo(MAPExt_ExternalSignalInfo value) |
Sets the value of the field additionalSignalInfo.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setAlertingPattern(byte[] value) |
Sets the value of the field alertingPattern.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setBasicServiceGroup(MAPExt_BasicServiceCode value) |
Sets the value of the field basicServiceGroup.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setBasicServiceGroup2(MAPExt_BasicServiceCode value) |
Sets the value of the field basicServiceGroup2.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setCallDiversionTreatmentIndicator(Treatment value) |
Sets the value of the field callDiversionTreatmentIndicator.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setCallPriority(int value) |
Sets the value of the field callPriority and marks the field as present.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setCallPriorityPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field callPriority.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setCallReferenceNumber(byte[] value) |
Sets the value of the field callReferenceNumber.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setCamelInfo(MAPCamelInfo value) |
Sets the value of the field camelInfo.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setCcbs_CallPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field ccbs-Call.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setCug_CheckInfo(MAPCUG_CheckInfo value) |
Sets the value of the field cug-CheckInfo.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setExtensionContainer(MAPExtensionContainer value) |
Sets the value of the field extensionContainer.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setForwardingReason(MAPForwardingReason value) |
Sets the value of the field forwardingReason.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setGmsc_OrGsmSCF_Address(AddressString value) |
Sets the value of the field gmsc-OrGsmSCF-Address.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setGsmSCF_InitiatedCallPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field gsmSCF-InitiatedCall.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setInterrogationType(MAPInterrogationType value) |
Sets the value of the field interrogationType.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setIstSupportIndicator(MAPIST_SupportIndicator value) |
Sets the value of the field istSupportIndicator.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setLongFTN_SupportedPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field longFTN-Supported.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setMsisdn(AddressString value) |
Sets the value of the field msisdn.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setMtRoamingRetrySupportedPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field mtRoamingRetrySupported.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setNetworkSignalInfo(MAPExternalSignalInfo value) |
Sets the value of the field networkSignalInfo.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setNetworkSignalInfo2(MAPExternalSignalInfo value) |
Sets the value of the field networkSignalInfo2.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setNumberOfForwarding(int value) |
Sets the value of the field numberOfForwarding and marks the field as present.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setNumberOfForwardingPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field numberOfForwarding.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setOr_Capability(int value) |
Sets the value of the field or-Capability and marks the field as present.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setOr_CapabilityPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field or-Capability.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setOr_InterrogationPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field or-Interrogation.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setPre_pagingSupportedPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field pre-pagingSupported.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setSupportedCCBS_Phase(int value) |
Sets the value of the field supportedCCBS-Phase and marks the field as present.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setSupportedCCBS_PhasePresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field supportedCCBS-Phase.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setSuppress_VT_CSIPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field suppress-VT-CSI.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setSuppressIncomingCallBarringPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field suppressIncomingCallBarring.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setSuppressionOfAnnouncementPresent(boolean flag) |
Sets the presence or absence of the optional field suppressionOfAnnouncement.
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg |
MAPSendRoutingInfoArg.setSuppressMTSS(MAPSuppressMTSS value) |
Sets the value of the field suppressMTSS.