class |
AccessPointName |
Class AccessPointName represents a reference to a Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN)
or Public Data Network (PDN) Gateway (PGW), as used in GPRS subscription data.
class |
AddressDelimiter |
Class AddressDelimiter represents the startDigit, endOfReplyDigit and cancelDigit fields
of CollectedInformation.
class |
AddressString |
Class AddressString encapsulates a number for addressing purposes.
class |
BearerCapability |
Class BearerCapability indicates a requested bearer service to be provided by the network.
static class |
BearerCapability.ITU_T |
Class ITU_T indicates a requested bearer service to be provided by the network,
coded in ITU_T format.
static class |
BearerCapability.ITU_T.Ericsson |
Class Ericsson represents the Ericsson-specific data within a BearerCapability.ITU_T.
static class |
BearerCapability.ITU_T.Layer1Capability |
Class Layer1Capability represents the layer 1 capability within a BearerCapability.ITU_T.
static class |
BearerCapability.ITU_T.Layer1Capability.Details |
Class Details represents data that is relevant
when TransferCapability is UNRESTRICTED_DIGITAL and Layer1Protocol is V120, V110, I460 or X30,
or TransferCapability is AUDIO_3_1KHZ and Layer1Protocol is G711.
static class |
BearerCapability.ITU_T.Layer1Capability.Details.ParityAndModem |
Class ParityAndModem represents stop and data bit counts, parity, duplex mode and modem type within a BearerCapability.ITU_T.
static class |
BearerCapability.ITU_T.Layer3Capability |
Class Layer3Capability represents the layer 3 capability within a BearerCapability.ITU_T.
class |
CalledPartyBCDNumber |
Class CalledPartyBCDNumber identifies the called party.
class |
CalledPartyNumber |
Class CalledPartyNumber identifies the party to be called.
class |
CallingPartyNumber |
Class CallingPartyNumber represents the address of the calling party.
class |
CallingPartyRestriction |
Class CallingPartyRestriction represents a forward service interaction indicator in CAP3.
class |
CallingPartysCategory |
Class CallingPartysCategory distinguishes various operators, subscribers and payphones.
class |
CAPIPSSPCapabilities |
Class CAPIPSSPCapabilities represents the specialised resource functions (SRFs)
available using CAP on a service switching point (SSP).
class |
Cause |
Class Cause represents diagnostic information.
class |
CellGlobalId |
Class CellGlobalId represents the global address of a cell's location.
class |
CUGInterLockCode |
Class CUGInterLockCode represents a closed user group interlock code.
class |
DateAndTime |
Class DateAndTime represents a date and time.
class |
ForwardCallIndicators |
Class ForwardCallIndicators represents various indicators in call forwarding.
class |
GenericDigits |
Class GenericDigits contains an address string and indicators of
how that string is encoded and what that string represents.
class |
GenericDigitsWithStarHash |
Class GenericDigitsWithStarHash represents a GenericDigits in which
additional characters '*' and '#' are permitted in the decoded form
of the encoding schemes BCD_ODD and BCD_EVEN,
encoding to 0xB and 0xC respectively.
class |
GenericNumber |
Class GenericNumber represents an address with various indicators.
class |
GenericNumberWithB |
Class GenericNumberWithB represents a GenericNumber in which
the additional character 'B' is permitted in the decoded form,
encoding to 0xB.
class |
GSMSupplementaryServiceList |
Class GSMSupplementaryServiceList as defined Nokia INAP Issue 6-0.
class |
HighLayerCompatibility |
Class HighLayerCompatibility supports a means for a remote user to perform compatibility checking.
class |
HourMinute |
Class HourMinute represents a time HH:MM in two octets, BCD encoded.
class |
IMEIAddress |
Class IMEIAddress represents both the IMEI and IMEISV types as defined in 3GPP TS 23.003.
class |
IMSIAddress |
Class IMSIAddress represents International Mobile Subscriber Identity
(or International Mobile Station Identity in ITU-T terminology).
class |
LMSIAddress |
Class LMSIAddress encapsulates the LMSI (Local Mobile Station Identity),
a local identity allocated by the VLR to a given subscriber
for internal management of data in the VLR.
class |
LocalisedServiceAreaId |
Class LocalisedServiceAreaId identifies a cell's Localised Service Area (LSA).
class |
LocationAreaId |
Class LocationAreaId represents an unambiguous identification of a location area
within the area covered by the GPRS system.
class |
LocationNumber |
Class LocationNumber represents a location number.
class |
MSBearerCapability |
Class MSBearerCapability indicates a requested bearer service to be provided by the mobile network.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM |
Class GSM represents the case of a MSBearerCapability that is specified in TS 24.008.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content |
Class Content is a choice between the speech and non-speech forms of a MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech |
Class NonSpeech represents the non-speech forms of a MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Access |
Class Access represents flow control of data within a MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Access.O5a |
Class O5a represents the data of octets 5a*..5b* in a MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Access.O5a.O5b |
Class O5b represents the data in octet 5b* of a MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.DataProtocol |
Class DataProtocol represents the non-speech coding of data within a MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability |
Class Layer1Capability represents the layer 1 capability within a MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability.O6a |
Class O6a represents octets 6a to 6g within a MSBearerCapability.Layer1Capability
It represents part of a larger octet string; it is not transmitted on a network by itself.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability.O6a.O6b |
Class O6b represents data that is relevant to octets 6b* to 6g*.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability.O6a.O6b.O6c |
Class O6c represents data that is relevant to octets 6c* to 6g*.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability.O6a.O6b.O6c.O6d |
Class O6d represents data that is relevant to octets 6d* to 6g*.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability.O6a.O6b.O6c.O6d.O6e |
Class O6e represents data that is relevant to octets 6e* to 6g*.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability.O6a.O6b.O6c.O6d.O6e.O6f |
Class O6f represents data that is relevant to Octets 6f to 6g.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.NonSpeech.Layer1Capability.O6a.O6b.O6c.O6d.O6e.O6f.O6g |
Class O6g represents the data of Octet 6g in an MSBearerCapability.
static class |
MSBearerCapability.GSM.Content.Speech |
Class Speech represents the speech forms of a MSBearerCapability.
class |
MSClassmark |
Class MSClassmark represents a Mobile Station Classmark,
which provides the network with information concerning aspects of high priority
of the mobile station equipment.
static class |
MSClassmark.MSClassmark1 |
Class MSClassmark1 provides the network with information concerning aspects
of high priority of the mobile station equipment, coded in MSClassmark1 format.
static class |
MSClassmark.MSClassmark2 |
Class MSClassmark2 provides the network with information concerning aspects
of high priority of the mobile station equipment, coded in MSClassmark2 format.
class |
OriginalCalledNumber |
Class OriginalCalledNumber represents an original called number.
class |
PriceInHundredthsOfUnits |
Class PriceInHundredthsOfUnits represents a currency value,
with a maximum of six digits before the decimal point and two digits after.
class |
RedirectingPartyNumber |
Class RedirectingPartyNumber represents a redirecting number.
class |
RedirectionInformation |
Class RedirectionInformation represents redirection information.
class |
Signal |
Class Signal conveys information to a user concerning tones and alerting signals.
class |
TimeAndTimezone |
Class TimeAndTimezone represents times in the InitialDPArg of CAP2 and later versions.
class |
Treatment |
Class Treatment represents whether a particular type of call is to be accepted or rejected.
class |
YearMonthDay |
Class YearMonthDay represents a date.