Class ComponentRejectedEvent

  • public class ComponentRejectedEvent
    extends ComponentEvent
    Event that indicates a TCAP reject component was received or generated that could not be mapped to a particular active operation.

    This event is fired in two cases.

    When a TC-U-REJECT or TC-R-REJECT is received from the TCAP stack, indicating that a reject component was received in a network message, the CGIN infrastructure attempts to map the reject to a currently active invoke. If found, an appropriate OperationProviderErrorEvent is fired. However, if there is no corresponding active invoke, a ComponentRejectedEvent with a reject type of RejectType.REMOTE is fired instead.

    When the local TCAP stack receives a component that cannot be decoded or has some other problem with it, it will queue a rejection component for sending, and generate a local TC-L-REJECT notification. If the CGIN infrastructure can map this notification to a currently active invoke, then an appropriate OperationProviderErrorEvent is fired. However, if there is no corresponding active invoke, a ComponentRejectedEvent with a reject type of RejectType.LOCAL is fired instead. In this case, if the service wishes to continue the dialogue, it should ensure that a dialogue primitive is sent, so that the queued reject component is sent on the network.

    • Field Detail

      • ID

        public static final EventTypeID ID
        Common event type used when firing ComponentRejectedEvent instances to the SLEE.
        • Name: com.opencloud.slee.resources.cgin.ComponentRejected
        • Vendor: OpenCloud
        • Version: 3.1
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComponentRejectedEvent

        public ComponentRejectedEvent​(Dialog dialog,
                                      int invokeId,
                                      ComponentRejectedEvent.RejectType rejectType,
                                      RejectProblem rejectProblem)
        Construct a new event for a component rejection.
        dialog - the dialog this event will be fired on
        invokeId - the invoke ID contained in the rejection, or Dialog.INVOKE_ID_UNSPECIFIED if it could not be derived
        rejectType - the (non-null) rejection type of this component, indicating a local or remote reject
        rejectProblem - the TCAP problem code of the rejection
    • Method Detail

      • getInvokeId

        public int getInvokeId()
        Get the invoke ID of the rejection
        the invoke ID, or Dialog.INVOKE_ID_UNSPECIFIED if the invoke ID could not be derived
      • getRejectType

        public ComponentRejectedEvent.RejectType getRejectType()
        Get the rejection type (local or remote) of this event.
        a non-null reject type, either LOCAL or REMOTE
      • getRejectProblem

        public RejectProblem getRejectProblem()
        Get the TCAP problem code of this event.
        the problem code