Marks an adaptation field getter, setter or constructor parameter as representing a particular form,
for example "encoded", "decoded", "standard", or "hex".
@AdaptationGetter("address") @AdaptationForm("encoded") byte[] getAddress()
@AdaptationGetter("address") @AdaptationForm("decoded") String getAddress()
Usage rules:
- Must always be accompanied by an @AdaptationGetter, @AdaptationSetter, or @AdaptationParameter annotation
- When an @AdaptationForm is specified for an adaptation field, the corresponding
getter, setter or parameter must also be provided.
E.g.: a setter marked with @AdaptationForm("encoded") form have a corresponding getter with @AdaptationForm("encoded")
- When an @AdaptationForm is specified for an adaptation field, all getters, setters, and parameters
for the adaptation field must explicitly specify an @AdaptationForm.