Class MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DataObject, Serializable

    public class MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets
    extends BitStringWithNamedBits
    API for MAP-MS-DataTypes.SupportedLCS-CapabilitySets. Generated from the following ASN.1 type definition.
     SupportedLCS-CapabilitySets ::=
         BIT STRING (SIZE (2..16)) {
             lcsCapabilitySet1(0), -- Core network signalling capability set1 indicates LCS Release98 or Release99 version.
             lcsCapabilitySet2(1), -- Core network signalling capability set2 indicates LCS Release4.
             lcsCapabilitySet3(2), -- Added in release 5.  Core network signalling capability set3 indicates LCS Release5.
             lcsCapabilitySet4(3), -- Added in release 6.  Core network signalling capability set4 indicates LCS Release6.
             lcsCapabilitySet5(4)  -- Added in release 7.  Core network signalling capability set5 indicates LCS Release7 or later version.
    Added in release 4. A node shall mark in the BIT STRING all LCS capability sets it supports. If no bit is set then the sending node does not support LCS. If the parameter is not sent by an VLR then the VLR may support at most capability set1. If the parameter is not sent by an SGSN then no support for LCS is assumed. An SGSN is not allowed to indicate support of capability set1. Other bits than listed above shall be discarded.

    Used as field type by MAPVLR_Capability.

    Used as field type by MAPSGSN_Capability.

    Used as field type by MAPLCSLocationInfo.

    Used as field type by MAPLCSLocationInfo.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets

        public MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets()
        Constructs an object that has no bits set.
      • MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets

        public MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets​(int nbits)
        Constructs an object that has no bits set, initialised to accommodate the given number of bits.
        nbits - initial number of bits
    • Method Detail

      • clearLcsCapabilitySet1

        public MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets clearLcsCapabilitySet1()
        Clears the bit for lcsCapabilitySet1 to false.
      • clearLcsCapabilitySet2

        public MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets clearLcsCapabilitySet2()
        Clears the bit for lcsCapabilitySet2 to false.
      • clearLcsCapabilitySet3

        public MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets clearLcsCapabilitySet3()
        Clears the bit for lcsCapabilitySet3 to false.
      • clearLcsCapabilitySet4

        public MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets clearLcsCapabilitySet4()
        Clears the bit for lcsCapabilitySet4 to false.
      • clearLcsCapabilitySet5

        public MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets clearLcsCapabilitySet5()
        Clears the bit for lcsCapabilitySet5 to false.
      • copyOf

        public static MAPSupportedLCS_CapabilitySets copyOf​(BitString from)
        Creates a new object of this type, cloning the values of common fields from the given object of any subclass of the same base type.
        from - the object from which to copy
      • getLcsCapabilitySet1

        public boolean getLcsCapabilitySet1()
        Gets whether the bit for lcsCapabilitySet1 is set or not.
        the named bit's value
      • getLcsCapabilitySet2

        public boolean getLcsCapabilitySet2()
        Gets whether the bit for lcsCapabilitySet2 is set or not.
        the named bit's value
      • getLcsCapabilitySet3

        public boolean getLcsCapabilitySet3()
        Gets whether the bit for lcsCapabilitySet3 is set or not.
        the named bit's value
      • getLcsCapabilitySet4

        public boolean getLcsCapabilitySet4()
        Gets whether the bit for lcsCapabilitySet4 is set or not.
        the named bit's value
      • getLcsCapabilitySet5

        public boolean getLcsCapabilitySet5()
        Gets whether the bit for lcsCapabilitySet5 is set or not.
        the named bit's value
      • staticGetNamedBits

        public static BitStringWithNamedBits.NamedBit[] staticGetNamedBits()
        Gets the names of all bits of this type (not just the bits set in this value).
        array of NamedBit