All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description BatchCassandraStatement A statement that groups a number ofCassandraStatement
so they get executed as a batch.BoundCassandraStatement A prepared statement with values bound to the bind variables.CassandraConsistencyLevel CassandraCQLActivityContextInterfaceFactory SLEE Activity Context Interface Factory service use to get anActivityContextInterface
for aCassandraSession
CassandraCQLProvider Provider interface for the Cassandra CQL resource adaptor.CassandraErrorEvent CassandraException General cassandra exception.CassandraQueryResultEvent CassandraResultSet The result of a query.CassandraRow A CQL Row returned in aCassandraResultSet
.CassandraSession Activity used to make a-sync queries and receive a-sync results.CassandraStatement An executable query.PreparedCassandraStatement Represents a prepared statement, a query with bound variables that has been prepared (pre-parsed) by the database.